air friction?


20-04-2009 11:13:35

right, I'm trying to make a spaceship that flies in space- it all works well, however the only problem is that it slows down over time

this is how I set up the mass:

OgreNewt::Body* objBody;
objBody= new OgreNewt::Body( mWorld,objCol);
objBody->attachToNode( mSceneMgr->getSceneNode(objSceneNode));
Ogre::Vector3 objInertia = OgreNewt::MomentOfInertia::CalcBoxSolid(objMass, objSizeGet);
objBody->setMassMatrix( objMass, objInertia );
objBody->setPositionOrientation(objPos,Ogre::Quaternion::IDENTITY );

one way would be to reduce all objects mass dramatically, but is this the only way? I've looked at the OgreNewt::World class properties and all it contains is the friction model that only controls the accuracy of friction. Is there something like airFriction=0??


20-04-2009 12:37:50

Aaaargh... the last thread was about the same question!


20-04-2009 12:56:48

Aaaargh... the last thread was about the same question!

lol now I feel silly :) I did do a forum search in my defence :)