Can't export text object to mest


28-07-2009 08:06:32


From 3ds max:

Create -> Shapes -> Text

I create a text object then i use Ofusion to export this text to mesh file but i couldn't

Why ?


28-07-2009 15:45:41

A text object isn't a mesh, its a spline and Ofusion doesn't handle spline export very well. Anything more complex than a couple of lines in the same shape displays incorrectly in ogre. I tried to make a node proxy wireframe that was a cross on 3 axis and even that failed to export. Plus no way to export colour lines. I ended up using ogremax to make the gizmos for our OSM editor since that handled colour lines and stores the splines in a .mesh file rather than plotting points in the ofusion scene file.

If you want to export text as a mesh, you have to convert it to a mesh by adding an edit mesh modifier, extruding or beveling the text. Or converting to editable mesh or poly from the right click menu.


29-07-2009 02:28:37

If you want to export text as a mesh, you have to convert it to a mesh by adding an edit mesh modifier, extruding or beveling the text. Or converting to editable mesh or poly from the right click menu.

Successfully !