The background color and lightcolor (ambient) can not loaded


25-04-2006 12:29:45

I use the demo source for Azathoth (for some reason I must use Azathoth). I compile it and everything run fine first. The terrain and the model can be loaded now. No change was made in this code.
Pay more time, I play with the setting of .OSM file and recognize that the bg color parameter and light color par do not act anything. It seem that the bgcolor has been fixed to 0,0,0 and light color ( the ambient light ) has been fix to 0.5,0.5,0.5. And when I delete both parameter, the problem still stay the same


25-04-2006 17:01:24

This is a known issue (bkg and ambient color not updated in the file) that will be fixed on the next update


26-04-2006 04:59:34

So, if I set the ambient light in code, could It affect the scene?


26-04-2006 22:51:25

You can define the bkg and ambient colors in your application if you want, or you can edit the OSM scene on a text editor and set the bkg and ambient color values there