Does OSM support animation


29-04-2006 08:39:04

I make an simple animation to test, export it with OSM type and get .mesh also .animation.
I open my model with OgreCEGuiMeshViewer-1.0.6p1 and everything look great. Animation get now.
But when I load OSM into my application. No animation was seen on the model.
So, OSM Loader now still not supported for animation of model, or did I do anything wrong (My intention want to make a loop animation so no need for complex control of animation)


29-04-2006 19:26:51

You need to update the skeletal animation in your application, if you are using a frameListener, then you should update it there

Get the animationState from your skeletal animated object using the name of the animation, using the Entitiy::getAnmationState() method

Enable this animationState, and in the frameStarted event se the AnimationState::addTime() method to update it

Look at the SkeletalDemo application from the Ogre Sdk, in the frameStarted event the skeletal animation is updated