Very little script for convert from osm to scene file format


02-05-2006 08:16:24

A perl program for the conversion but only entities section (no lights). Useful for the octree compiler.

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# The author(s) have made the contents of this file
# available under a CC-GNU-GPL license:
# A copy of the full license can be found as part of this
# distribution in the file COPYING.
# You may use this software in accordance with the
# terms of this license. You agree that you are solely
# responsible for your use of this software and you
# represent and warrant to the author(s) that your use
# of this software will comply with the CC-GNU-GPL.
# Copyright 2006, Victor Marzo (

# USE: < demo.osm > demo.scene

use XML::Simple;
use XML::Writer;
use Data::Dumper;

my $xml_osm = XMLin('-');
my $xml_scene = new XML::Writer(DATA_MODE => true, DATA_INDENT => 4);

$xml_scene->startTag('scene', 'formatVersion' => '0.0');

my $id = 0;

for my $entities ($xml_osm->{entities}) {

for my $entity_name (keys %{$entities->{entity}}) {
my $entity = $entities->{entity}->{$entity_name};


'name' => $entity_name,
'id' => $id);

'x' => $entity->{position}->{x},
'y' => $entity->{position}->{y},
'z' => $entity->{position}->{z});

'qx' => $entity->{rotation}->{x},
'qy' => $entity->{rotation}->{y},
'qz' => $entity->{rotation}->{z},
'qw' => $entity->{rotation}->{w});

'x' => $entity->{scale}->{x},
'y' => $entity->{scale}->{y},
'z' => $entity->{scale}->{z});

'name' => $entity_name,
'id' => $id,
'meshFile' => $entity->{filename},
'castShadows' => $entity->{CastShadows});


