Problem compiling ofusion scene loader sample


22-05-2006 00:08:29


I tried to compile the ofusion loader but it gaves me the following errors :

(i must translate because it's in french sorry :p)

error C2664: 'Ogre::Root::getSceneManager' : impossible to convert parameter 1 from 'Ogre::SceneType' en 'const Ogre::String &'
Raison : impossible to convert from 'Ogre::SceneType' to 'const Ogre::String'
error C2039: 'createTrack' : is not a member of 'Ogre::Animation'
f:\01 - traveaux personnels\01 - developpement\01 - sources\27 - ogre\ogresdkvc8\include\ogreanimation.h(49) : see declaration in 'Ogre::Animation'

... and so on...

Is it possible that this occurs because i use vc8 express ?
I installed all the prerequisits for ogre for this version (download libs from microsoft and all the process described at ) and my
dsk version is azathoth

but it don't work.... i can create demos from ogre but not from oFusion...
What could it be ?


22-05-2006 14:19:34

It seems like you have downloaded Ogre 1.2 (Dagon)
and tried to build the scene loader for Ogre 1.0. Download
the oSceneLoader for Ogre 1.2 (Dagon) and try again :P


22-05-2006 19:17:07


He's aliiivvveee :p

... Do i have to copy the media files into the example root ?


22-05-2006 19:18:26

... Yes i have.

... But now the application works fine but shows nothing. I tried to change the background color and it seems to be that nothing is loaded. I looked in the oExporter.log file but everything looks fine. Then i looked in the Ogre.log and the only thing which seems a little bad are the following line :

22:48:06: Warning: VET_COLOUR element type is deprecated, you should use one of the more specific types to indicate the byte order. Use OgreMeshUpgrade on RDC.mesh as soon as possible.
22:48:06: Mesh: Loading Etage.mesh.
22:48:06: Warning: VET_COLOUR element type is deprecated, you should use one of the more specific types to indicate the byte order. Use OgreMeshUpgrade on Etage.mesh as soon as possible.
22:48:06: Mesh: Loading Toit01.mesh.
22:48:06: Warning: VET_COLOUR element type is deprecated, you should use one of the more specific types to indicate the byte order. Use OgreMeshUpgrade on Toit01.mesh as soon as possible.
22:48:06: Mesh: Loading Boîte01.mesh.
22:48:06: Warning: VET_COLOUR element type is deprecated, you should use one of the more specific types to indicate the byte order. Use OgreMeshUpgrade on Boîte01.mesh as soon as possible.

what does it means ? Where can i find the "OgreMeshUpgrade" ?


23-05-2006 15:16:56

In fact i have the same problem than

Is there as solution ?


24-05-2006 17:47:15

Those are warnings are not critical, they simply mean that you are using Azathoth meshes with Dagon, but the displayed result is not affected

In the next update, a number of Terrain scene manager issues were fixed, you should test it when the the updated version is available, probably in the next days


24-05-2006 20:24:56

Thanks a lot ^^
And thanks again for this wonderfull tool :)