I have problems with textures


30-10-2006 17:12:15

Hi, I have one mesh with 2 standard materials applied, and when I add an ogre material to my mesh some faces take an incorrect texture.
What could be the error?

NOTE: In the ogre material, I set one texture in the map channel 0 and other in the map channel 1.


30-10-2006 21:36:31

please provide more info- are the textures shown incorrectly in the ofusion ogre preview or in the standard 3ds max perspective viewport?


31-10-2006 15:39:19

are shown incorrectly in the ofusion ogre preview, in the standard 3ds max perspective viewport are shown correctly before of to applied an ogre material, after, in any standard 3ds max viewport, the mesh is shown of grey color. In reality, the problem is that the texture overlap (multitexturing), and it is not what I want.


31-10-2006 16:00:10

Post your scene or at least post some screenshots for more details


31-10-2006 19:42:48

I solved my problem, I thought that I had to put the two standard materials in one ogre material, but not, each standard material goes in one ogre material. :D