[solved]problems with CAD data


03-01-2007 22:08:53


I´m having serious problems with the data imported from AutoCAD :cry:

It simply does not visualice in oFusion viewer, in the following image you can see how the data displayed normally in the max viewports does not appear in the oFusion viewer.

This does not happen with all the data imported from AutoCAD but yes with large and more complex files.
I.E: the red-green playground was taken from AutoCAD to MAX, and is rendering properly, but it was a very simple scene with no blocks etc.

I think that the problem is because the hierarquical dependencies/relaionships created by the blocks; I´ve a pluggin/script called DWG cleanup that is supossed to clean thosse all things, but may be it is not working properly.

Anyway I´ve made a particular version of the scene ensuring that all the blocks where exploded and got same ressults.

Well, I think that I´ve found the problem:
before clossing this post I made a final test with wome squares from the floor, the problem is the following: when importing the data from Autocad it names each objet depending on its nature
i.e lines wil be named as "line" and polylines as "polyline" so all the polylines are named "polyline" and seems to be a problem, since I´ve changed the name to some of the geometries to "polyline1" or "polyline2" and have appeared in the viewer.

So now I face really big problem, renaming thousands of objets (I´ve many other plazas and roads actually built in max.... :?

question 1)
so, unique objets name are a must, no?

question 2)
how can I rename elements automatically by adding a "custom string" like "plaza 2.5" plus an automatically generated number that make all the names different so that comething similar to this occurs:


any known script/utility out there??


I´ve found a couple of scripts that fore sure will help me in this fantastic MAX web:

please help me :| <-- Thanks, I´m done.