
09-01-2007 20:34:13

Hey there, first post :D

I've just gotten oFusion, and I'm quite confused! I know all my modeling and texturing crap in Max, but I need help with oFusion. How do I use oFusion in terms of making and exporting my levels, weapons, characters, and animations? I know I need to create them in Max, but how do I use the Ogre Materials and how do I do normal mapping, lighting, and all that other fun stuff? Any help would be appreciated because the information on the oFusion isn't very helpful.

- Flap-Jack


10-01-2007 06:16:35

I suggest you look at the ofusion website. Theres a ton of tutorials there. The easiet way to get started with normal mapping is to use the render monkey example shader provided as a demo scene from the ofusion website. YOu just chuck in the normal map, the texture and ur all set. Hope that helps.


11-01-2007 17:30:08

yeah, to be able to creat ogre-ready content you'll need to become familliar with the ogre material, for advanced stuff shaders.