How to export an object into .mesh file??


30-01-2007 18:54:10


I just installed the last ofusion CE for 3d max studio 8. I want to simply export a sphere (or any simple mesh made in 3d max) into a .mesh file. How do I do that? I mean, in the menu bar of 3d max 8 I see the oFusion options but I don't see something like export to or save as .mesh

kind regards,



30-01-2007 21:02:40

I don't have the CE edition but the pro one. But either way, all your seperate meshes in 3dsmax are saved as seperate .mesh files with the names of the max object as the name of the mesh file.

In Ofusion, you get all your meshes exported plus a .OSM that describes the scene so it can be loaded exactly the same. You can simply ignore the OSM file and use the mesh files exported by Ofusion.

In the Pro version you can check a box which disables the scene .OSM and you just get a collection of .mesh files.

So the easiest thing to do is ignore the .OSM file and just use the .mesh files.

If you don't want so many seperate mesh files you can just attach meshes into a single one inside 3dsmax. This isn't great for optimization, unless they all share the same material as you end up having too many seperate batches.

If all the attached objects are of the same material, in scenes with a lot of meshes, this can in some instances actualy boost performance.

Hope that helps