compile problem


06-03-2007 00:49:59

before the half dozen of lines that I added to use the OSMscene loader everything was fine.

Now in release mode I get this:

HEAP[Vizhen_test.exe]: Invalid Address specified to RtlFreeHeap( 00AA0000, 00B4EF10 )
Windows has triggered a breakpoint in Vizhen_test.exe.

and it points to line 110 of "OgreOSMScene.cpp"

strPath = StringUtil::standardisePath(strPath);

I let it continue and breaks three more times, all at line 174 of "ogresharedptr.h"

delete pRep;

the oddest part is that in debug mode none of this happends and both the .exes (release and debug) run just fine on their own.

any thoughts

I double checked and the log from the debug mode shows this

First-chance exception at 0x7c812a5b in Vizhen_test.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Ogre::Exception at memory location 0x0012e71c..
First-chance exception at 0x7c812a5b in Vizhen_test.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Ogre::Exception at memory location 0x0012e71c..
First-chance exception at 0x7c812a5b in Vizhen_test.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Ogre::Exception at memory location 0x0012e71c..
First-chance exception at 0x7c812a5b in Vizhen_test.exe: Microsoft C++ exception: Ogre::Exception at memory location 0x0012e2b0..


06-03-2007 01:42:44

Are you sure you are not mixing debug and release libraries (or memmory allocators) in your project?


06-03-2007 13:49:28

I dont think so, and it was fine before the loader code


06-03-2007 15:22:40

Are you using the Ogre precompiled SDK? probably you are using different settings for the Runtime Library that what its used by the sdk files


06-03-2007 16:08:44

I am using:
OGRE 1.2.5 SDK for Visual C++ .Net 2005 (8.0)
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition


12-03-2007 22:05:05

The runtime libraries are the libs to what your application is linked to (i.e. Static, Debug Single Thread, Debug Multi-Thread), it seems you are mixing different memory libs