not seeing my objects in ogre


10-03-2007 05:19:49

i made a test scene in max with a plane, and a box all on x0y0z0. i exported it fine, also got the code to compile without any error.
but when i run the compiled exe, all i see is my scene's background color, and not the box i made.

whats wrong?? can someone help me?


10-03-2007 15:01:29

Do you have a light in the scene?

Are the objects in the view frustum (enable the AABB display of each entitiy)?


10-03-2007 16:35:13

i tried both hving a light and without a light, both giving me the same result.

what do u mean by "Are the objects in the view frustum (enable the AABB display of each entitiy)?"?

sorry, im new to ogre.


12-03-2007 22:16:02

Enable the "Display AABB" of each entity to review if the meshes are in the scene

Is there any hint in the ogre.log file? are the objects being loaded correctly?

Do you have the ambient light set to any color?
Are the object's materials in the resource path?


13-03-2007 16:08:27

11:57:04: ********************************
11:57:04: ** oScene Loader Lib **
11:57:04: ********************************
11:57:04: oSceneLoader: Loading 'temp.osm' file
11:57:04: oSceneLoader: Creating scene on 'Root' node
11:57:04: Mesh: Loading Box01.mesh.
11:57:04: WARNING: Box01.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.30]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool.
11:57:04: ********************************
11:57:04: ** oSceneLoader: Scene loaded **
11:57:04: ********************************

ii have my ambient light set to 1,1,1 and the materials are in the resources path.

how do i enable the display AABB?? i only have the scene..
OSMScene oScene;
// Create an oE_Loader Callback object to post-process created objects
oSceneCallback oe_Callback;
// Initialises with the scene to be loaded and the callback if requiered
oScene.initialise("temp.osm", &oe_Callback);
// create and setup the scene in the root node
// Get the automatically created scene manager
mSceneMgr = oScene.getSceneManager();


13-03-2007 17:31:27

Create a camera in your scene from where you can see the objects, then export the scene (with cameras option enabled, it would be good if you add a light too)

Override the "onEntityCreate" method of your callback, and use the "showBoundingBox" method each entity to enable the AABB display, see the oSceneLoader Demo application code for more details on using the Event post-process system