the position problem


23-04-2007 03:22:53

In the max7,why the objet in the user view or perspective view is normal ,but ,at the same time,in the ofusion view the object separate in three position which deviate originaly position far away.what shall i do??? :(

ps:the object there is three part which is face ,hat and body.There are in the position which separate each other far away .


24-04-2007 02:12:02

You need to "Reset Xform" in your objects (or the pivot point), and update the preview viewport to display the correct positions

Are those objects skeletally animated (skinned animation)?


25-04-2007 08:51:06


Also is very comon that if you have groups, the objets displace.

You will need to un group the objets.

I think that group work in the latest version, but I think I tried and it didnt.

Would be nice to hear from people if the groups work for them or not.



26-04-2007 04:23:06

thank you now it is ok by use your method.