OSM is optimized for...?


09-02-2006 19:15:20

topic says it all -- what is the scene content "sweet spot" for the OSM?


09-02-2006 22:04:37

In a short, OSM format is optimized for "faster time to market development and deployment" of applications

The format is powerful and broad at the same time to provide extending capabilities

In the standard form (non user extended) it is what most users will need for their projects, and if more power is needed, you can customize it and extend it, it has a powerful callback system in the oScene loader lib that is event based so your application can use extended formats or do post-process of resources at run-time

In a customer project, they use a custom scene manager, in max usign the "oFusion object properties editor" they created the properties needed by their level compiler so scene objects can define custom properties, the pvs structure compiler needed by the visibility system was added to max, this per-level structure and the per-object custom properties was added to the osm file as a binary and normal attributes automatically, so they can create and compile the level inside max without external tools and load in their application without effort
