blending of skinning and morphing animations


13-06-2007 17:09:19

Hi, I try to have both skinning and morphing animations on a model (for movements and breathing) and I can't succeed in playing them topgether.

I thought I could try in two different ways:

- either I export the animations separatly. But in this case ogre blend the two kind of animations and then the movement is pertubated by the morph and does not render good (I can't use the add blend mode since I already use many blend movement animations at the same time)

- either I export the animations together by making the morph anim simultaneously to movement anim in the max timeline but in this case the morph animation seems not to be taken into account (note that my modifier stack in in the bottom/top order: morph/skin/edit and the edit poly works.)

Anyone has an idea how to fix this ?

If things were done in a proper way in my scene, should the morph and movement animations be compiled together and so be played and export at the same time by oFusion ?


13-06-2007 22:05:20

In the "Pachy" scene you sent us, the character was skeletal animated and the breathing animation was using the morph modifier, and it was working correctly on the preview viewport and when exported (the skeletal and morph animations were played at the same time correctly), is there any other issue?

When exporting, the skel and morph animations create different tracks (bone and vertex tracks) those animations can be played at the same time and they will produce the correct results

Could you provide more details on your issue, images or the scene? and what is the result you expect to produce


14-06-2007 12:37:18

Indeed it was working before, i dont know why it is not working anymore.

Perhaps that is because of the edit poly modifier that have beeen added on all meshes on top of the modifiers stack. It is well taken into account for the skinning but it seems it has disabled the morphing.

A question: is it normal that ogre blend morph animations and skinned ones and does not apply first the morphing modifications and then the skinning ? Should I do the skinning with a shader to force to be done apart ?


14-06-2007 16:53:36

It might be the poly edit mod, if this modifies the geometry after the morph modifier

You can control the order of what animations is applied first, get the animation state or animation pointer or the corresponding track and apply them in the order you need (first pose anims then apply skel anims)


15-06-2007 03:16:47

I too am planning on messing about with morph animation a bit, but i dont have pro.
Someone told me there was a new version wich supported morph animation for us cheap people. Is this true? if not, will such a version come about in the near future?