wrong Place of Light


05-07-2007 13:33:05

Hi all
I have Problem with light
in max I put spot light above of chair in the room
but when I export , run in ogre the Light Position is out of room

What is problem how can fix it

Please help


06-07-2007 10:05:48

How does it look in the oFusion viewport?
Did you "resetXForm" your meshes?


06-07-2007 11:08:40


...this has also been sticked... :roll:


06-07-2007 19:01:53

I seem to be having probs with lights too, Direct light direction seems to be mirrored so the shadows are cast in the opposite direction than in 3dsmax ofusion viewport, and at the moment spots seem to be pointing the wrong way :( have to rotate them manualy in my editor to make them face the intended direction. Omni works fine


06-07-2007 21:59:45

Can you tell me


07-07-2007 20:32:30

I found that the spotlight loaded in the incorrect orientation, I didn't look into it properly yet, I'm wondering if the problem was related to converting an omni to a spot in max.

Here's the odd behaviour I had, the Omni that was converted to a spot had a hotspot and falloff but the shadows were still cast as though it was a point light.

Creating a new target spot fixed my problem and all the light worked correctly for my purpose (sunlight, I used a spot because the direct light was mirrored).

I don't know if this off behaviour is reporoduceable since I've been too busy the last couple of days.


08-07-2007 14:35:43

the light in wronge place ..
How can I solve this problem


09-07-2007 16:50:54

Could you post a screenshot? or at least describe in more detail where the light is placed and where it must be, where it points to

What Ogre engine are you using?

Search this forum for similar threads, some users reported that they need to invert the z axis when using with Eihort


09-07-2007 17:29:23

hmm, I use Eihort since it was released 3 months ago, and Z axis sounds right for direct lights in ogre. The light was flipped back to front rather than left to right.

When will an Eihort scene loader be released? Were at Ogre 1.4.3 now and Ofusion is still at 1.2.x


10-07-2007 19:46:08

Here are screen shots of my project. If you can ignore the messed up UI in the ogre image you can see that the light is at a different angle than the image from ofusion.

Also, we to are using Eihort.




10-07-2007 19:50:01

Also, I have used the updatemesh tool, and reset xform tool in max. this is the result


10-07-2007 20:26:04

is that a direct light? In your screenshots it looks like the direction has been flipped from left to right in the screen, which suggests you have the same problem I mentioned above.

if you rotate the light 180 degrees on the Z axis in 3dsmax, does the light come out the way you originaly intended in ogre? Only then it will be back to front in ofusion of course, which defeats the point of a WYSIWYG editor in max.


11-07-2007 00:16:58

Lights use the z axis as front

In the mean time you can flip the z axis (at load time) and this will solve your problem


12-07-2007 21:07:39

What is updatemesh tool??
I use Ogre 1.2.3

I want spot light inner the house but it appear out

how put image here??


04-02-2008 23:29:49

Lights use the z axis as front

i've noticed this problem too and found this thread.
One Free Directional Light in my scene.
In max, oFusion viewport is fine but loading osm ingame is wrong.
Flipping the Z (rotation) in max fixes it (but then is wrong the scanline rendering).

The following seems to fixit in loading, but it does not convince me (the 90 degrees)

// Create node with full information
SceneNode *pLightNode=createNode(pLightElem, pSceneRoot);

// Fix for oFusion 1.8.6 (flips Light Z Axis)
Quaternion q = pLightNode->getOrientation();
Quaternion r(Degree(90), Vector3::UNIT_Z);
pLightNode->setOrientation(r * q);

is it right?
is it supposed to be fixed in some next version?

thanks, ekt