Entities rotated once scene is loaded into Ogre App


11-07-2007 20:54:18

I'm pretty new to Ogre / oFusion, so please bear with me. I've also had a hunt around the forums for this particular problem, and tried everything suggested, but I'm still confused as to why this doesn't work!

The Background:

I'm using 3dsmax 8.
I've installed oFusion 1.8CE.
I'm using the latest Ogre 1.4.3 (Eihort)
My Ogre App can read in .OSM files fine.

The Problem:

I have a max model in 3dsMax I want to export as an OSM scene file. Once exported, it's displayed in my Ogre App at 90deg to what it should be (ie. it's lying on it's side!). By the looks of it it's rotated 90deg about it's x axis.

I then did the Reset XForm on the object in Max (which rotated the object around 90deg in Max's viewport). Saved the OSM file. But the problem was the same.

I then went back into Max, and rotated this model to be upright again. Saved the OSM, and still the objects are at 90deg to what they should be!

In fact, no matter what orientation I put the objects in max, it always comes out on it's side in my Ogre App!

I've checked the model in the oFusion viewport within Max, and it seems to be fine.

I also had problems with materials/faces being clipped, but solved that using the MeshUpdater tool. I just wish I could get this bloody thing standing upright in my program! :(

I have created other objects, exported them as .mesh files and these display in the correct orientation in the program. The problem has something to do with this OSM file exporter / loader.

If anyone can shed some light on this, I'd appreciate it!



11-07-2007 21:07:46

Not sure if this is relevant, but the selection boxes are offset in the oFusion viewport within 3dsMax.

Update: I've created a Torus model, and exported this as an OSM scene. This one is oriented fine within my App. I am now even more confused!


11-07-2007 21:17:39

Don't you just hate it when you've been pulling your hair out trying to solve a problem all afternoon, only eventually pluck the courage up to post a question up on the forums, and THEN finally fixing it yourself, within minutes of posting! :)

The Max mode I was having a problem with was one I bought from TurboSquid. I just read something about Groups not being supported in oFusion CE, which got me thinking... No Groups were defined, however, I found a 'Helper' object lurking in the list of objects. All the other objects were in a subtree off this.

Deleting this helper solved my problems. I presume this helper is problematic for oFusion exporter then!

Just thought I'd post this up in case anyone else has similar problems.
