Pivot Point : bad alignment / position


16-08-2007 17:09:04

I came across some problems with bad pivot point / axis alingment of the object. I am using 1.8.3 CE and max 9
What I came to believe is that for some reason oFusion exports the "original" pivot point (that is, the one that the object had when created) and not the current one. I say this because it seems to use the pivot point that you can get in MAX when you press the "Reset Pivot" button under "Hierarchy" panel.
Most of the times this leads to improper alignment and / or placement of objects in the oFusion viewport and in my Ogre engine. Sometimes it even shows properly on the viewport, only to discover it is set on its side (in LexiView and in Ogre).

I have read about hierarchies, groups and helpers, I am not using any. I run the model through OgreMeshUpgrade -b as soon as I export it.

I have found a workaround for this problem : what I do is I go to the "Hierarchy" panel and then do some combination of "Affect Only Pivot", "Reset Pivot", "Center to Object", "Align To World", "Affect only Object", "Center to Pivot", "Align To Pivot". When this is done, my object is no longer aligned the way I want it. So then I press "Affect Object only", move the object and rotate it around the Pivot Point the way I want it to be. Then I add an XForm modifier, choose "gizmo" and rotate the object back in place. I collapse the stack, press "Reset Transform" "Reset Scale" and (usually) I got my object properly aligned.

Is there something I am missing or this is the only way to bring things back to normal on CE?


16-08-2007 21:34:57

Download the 1.8.6 CE version


17-08-2007 08:58:53

Thank you Lioric for your reply

Excuse me , my bad :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

I am already using 1.8.6 CE (I didn't actually checked) :oops: :oops:

any suggestions now?


17-08-2007 15:42:03

Could you post a sample scene? all of the tested meshes here shows correctly in the preview viewport


17-08-2007 16:15:39

This a sample scene, I merged the item from one of the scenes I am working. This particular scene has one hierarchy under a dummy object, but this item in the sample scene was never part of the hierarchy (or any other, group etc).
I have the same problem also with scenes that I have never introduced any hierarchies.

While I am trying to fix my models the way I described (more or less) above, max crashes when I have oFusion active and I am trying to apply the XForm Modifier, there is a message displayed from oFusion :
"Object index out of bounds". I think this only occurs when I am trying to apply the modifier to objects that have this problem.


Does this has something to do with using Editable Poly or Mesh? Is it ok if I start with Editable Poly, then convert it to Mesh before export, or I have to use editable Mesh all the way?

thanx for your time


17-08-2007 16:18:49

I will review the files asap

Are you sure you have the latest version? that error was fixed earlier this year

In the export dilaog or in the preview viewport you can see the version number


17-08-2007 16:21:46

Wow :shock: that was fast!

The version in the export window is 1.8.6

I was using the previous version, then uninstalled it to install this one. Think there are some leftover files from the previous installation? How can I verify I have 1.8.6 properly installed?


18-08-2007 09:58:51

I should also mention that I tried to install Lexi Export (1.0.7), but it proved to be more than difficult. It seems that once I installed oFusion or Lexi I couldn't switch to the other, I had to stick with the one (I tried to uninstall and install them, multiple times, but Lexi never worked after I installed oFusion).
Could this (bad installation) be the point of conflict?


18-08-2007 15:29:48

ehm actually i have the same problem, but using 3dsmax8

my version is also CE 1.8.6