strange culling


24-09-2007 11:34:23

(How) May I get rid of this?

The mesh is rather huge. But when loaded in my Ogre App everything's fine...


24-09-2007 15:31:13

How is the material for that mesh? is it multipass?


25-09-2007 15:39:53

Yes, but it also happened with a singlepass texture...

Scaling it down everything was okay.... guess the oFusion doesn't like uberlarge meshes.


25-09-2007 16:17:53

how large a mesh are you talking about. Most realtime engines don't like going over 64,000 tris or something. And geometry that goes beyond 10,000 units from the world origin will often get messed up due to precision issues.

You may have to work to a smaller scale if your using really big area scenes.


25-09-2007 16:24:14

Yipp, as I said I realized that scaling down the whole scene is a by far better solution than fiddling around with this large scaled model.

I just was astonished that there weren't any problems in the Ogre app. Only in the oFusion viewport.


25-09-2007 17:35:57

Oh that is strange yeah. Hopefully someone with better coder/engine knowledge can help. I sometimes have problems because were using Eihort 1.4x and Ofusion uses Dagon 1.2x for rendering. But I havent come across anything like in your screenshot before.


25-09-2007 19:22:48

No real need to help .. at least for me.


26-09-2007 02:43:33

The difference is because the camera far clip plane distance (in your application you might have a different far clip plane dist)

In any case, as a rule, if you dont need bigger distances/scales, dont make your scene usign them, its better to make your scene (or scale it) to a more sensible scale, using huge scales will produce floating point issues with precision in your application if you dont prepare your scene manager or your scene partition correctly