Loop attribute always True in animations


13-11-2007 00:28:37

could it be that the Loop attribute is always exported as True in the skeleton file, regarding of what i specify in the animations list?

i have a rigged character with two animation. the first one is looped, the second one is not. In code, iterating the AnimationState list, every AnimationState.getLoop returns true.

i can provide a test app and/or the character if of any help



13-11-2007 00:40:23

Are the proper setting for the "loop" property defined in the animation list?


13-11-2007 00:59:51

mmm i've just set the loop checkbox. like this

AnimationState for 'throw' returns .getLoop() as true, and it should be false.


14-11-2007 16:37:13

The skeleton serializer in Ogre (what loads the skeleton files in your application) doesnt define a "loop" parameter in the skeleton file for the animation

When an entity is created using a animated skeleton, all of its animationstate are initialized with the loop as true

The loop parameter in the export dialog is to internally modify the animation to compensate for the looping in the animation before the skel is exported

Are you using the osm scenes in your application? as we can define this setting there (loop of individual animations)


15-11-2007 16:38:06

well i'm using osm for the main scene, but i'm loading single characters with sceneManager->createEntity.

from you say, it seems to me that the real problem is the ogre serializer then, not ofusion. since any AnimationState can have its own loop state, i'd expect that the serializer would persist that info.

in the end it's not a real problem, i can hack it in code, now that i know.

just curious: does ofusion uses the loop parameter in the export dialog for fixing ease in/ease out when looping? i've noticed that even if my loop animations aren't perfect in max, they loop perfectly ingame.

thanks for all