how to export a rigged hand mesh with MAX9 & ofusion


09-12-2007 14:57:19

I have a rigged hand model and having difficulties exporting the rigged model. I have exported it as a scene file but it did not contain any information about rig, hierarchy or else. I am surely doing something wrong... I will be glad if someone informs me... Thanks


09-12-2007 17:09:52

btw i am using the latest versions of ogre3d and ofusion, i am using 3dMAX9


10-12-2007 15:01:07

The skeletal animation is exported in the .skeleton file (and in the .mesh file)

After you load the mesh file directly or using the scene file, the animations will be loaded (if the .skeleton file is in the resource path) and can be used via the entitiy object (use "AnimationState" and the animation name to access it)

You need to enable "Export Animations" in the export dialog (and define the animations you need in the list) when producing the files


10-12-2007 15:07:04

i have placed the mesh and the skeleton files into the models directory which is located in my project directory, i am also providing the file path to the original export directory to make sure that the export is ok. When i load the osm file to the ogre3D( i am using the code templates of the ofusion users manual) nothing is seen on the scene, when i export the mesh files, yes they get loaded but it does not make any sense, because if this is the way to load the meshes, what does scene file ( osm) does?


10-12-2007 15:41:14

To be more spesific me and a friend of mine is trying to do the same thing, he is able to load the meshes one by one, but he is unable to load the scene file for instance scene1.osm. When he tries to load this scene file, like it says in the oFusion users manual, nothing happens, the FPS count thing and the rest of OGRE stuff appears thats all. None of the things that are included in 3DMax are loaded to the screen. And i am exporting the scene with enabling export animation.
This one of the problems.

The second one is: I am trying to load the objects with some similar code but i am always getting this error:

GpuProgramParameters::_findNamedConstantDefinition at e:\projects\ogrecvs\branches\eihort_vc8_clean\ogrenew\ogremain\src\ogregpuprogram.cpp (line 883)
17:33:28: Error at line 29 of deferred_post_minilight.hlsl.program: Invalid param_named_auto attribute - Parameter called lightSpecularColor does not exist.


17:33:31: Parsing script deferred_post_onepass.material
17:33:31: Parsing script scene1.material
17:33:31: OGRE EXCEPTION(4:ItemIdentityException): Resource with the name Material_#35/handskin already exists. in ResourceManager::add at e:\projects\ogrecvs\branches\eihort_vc8_clean\ogrenew\ogremain\src\ogreresourcemanager.cpp (line 113)
17:33:47: Unregistering ResourceManager for type BspLevel

The interesting thing is, my partition e: has nothing to do with ogre. That is unreasonable. Another thing is i am not sure what the problem is. Because it says there is a duplicate of handskin material. What does that mean? It is the material of the hand i am using. What is wrong??

Thanks a lot from now


10-12-2007 17:55:24

I have solved the duplication problem, but i am still unsure if i am able to use the bone system. Please somebody advise me how to do it. How can i import the bones to my system and then rotate the bones. Thanks a lot


12-12-2007 02:43:30

You can load meshes directly (.mesh files, but just the mesh, not its world position or its properties or node animation) or load the complete scene (.osm files, this includes the meshes and their positions and all of the scene data), it all depends on what your project needs are

Do you have a light in your scene?

Export a scene that contains at leat a camera, after loading the scene, set the loaded camera (you can use the sceneManager "getByName" methods to select it) set it as the viewport camera, and enable the bounding box display of all of the entitites in the scene (you can use the event loading system to enable the AABB of each entitiy as they are loaded, or parse the complete EntityList after the complete scene is loaded)

Are the AABB of the entities displayed?

See your ogre.log file (in your application folder) for details on what was loaded or not and why

The "e:\" path is debug information that is embedded in the ogre engine files and it is the path of the files where the dll was compiled (the machine were it was compiled, not your local machine)

The skeletal animations are loaded automatically (if the .skel files are in your resource path) when you load a mesh (directly or via the osm scene), after the mesh is loaded and an entity is created (using this mesh) you can access any of the animations using the "AnimationState" methods of the entity, as "getAnimationState("animationName")" and play them or use as you need in your project