Max 2008?


10-01-2008 11:37:07

Any ETA on a 2008 version?


10-01-2008 15:11:53

The Max 2008 version is currently supported

Have you experienced any issues on this version?


10-01-2008 18:12:23

I've been using max2008 with the current version of Ofusion Pro for a month or so now with no problems.


10-01-2008 22:40:22

I'm currently just playing with the CE version. It has no auto install for 2008, I see only 7/8 listed. I tried manually moving the 3 plugins (I think thats all?) over, but I got errors loading. Lovely Autodesk loves to change just a bit every version so none of our commercial plugins will work.
But... if others are using it just fine; am I missing something obvious?


10-01-2008 23:02:59

My bad... I have max 7 and 2008. I had tried moving the 7 plugs over, not realizing 9 and 2008 are compatible. Chose 9 this time and pointed the dir to 2008. All is well now :D