Copy textures


09-03-2006 18:35:31


It would be nice if an option is added to the exporter to copy the used texture files to the same path as all other exported files. I don't know anything about the 3ds max exporting api, but that wouldn't be hard, right? And it would be a very nice feature.

Anyway, congratulations with this great product. Just what we needed!



09-03-2006 19:47:06


It would be nice if an option is added to the exporter to copy the used texture files to the same path as all other exported files. I don't know anything about the 3ds max exporting api, but that wouldn't be hard, right? And it would be a very nice feature.

Anyway, congratulations with this great product. Just what we needed!


I'm with you on this one, including an autorename function for duplicate texture files. That'd be really usefull, because i'm having some major problems with this currently.


10-03-2006 15:52:23

Sounds like a good feature

It was approved so expect it to be on the next update

IFASS: you can do a clean up of material textures with the max listener, just iterate over the scene materials and store the texture names on a array, test every texture for duplicate names and rename if needed

In any case, its better if in your new scenes, use non-duplicated texture names


10-03-2006 16:09:43

In any case, its better if in your new scenes, use non-duplicated texture names

Yes i know that, but these were scenes made a while ago by other artists, currently we've changed those rules already :)

Great news for this feature, can't wait to test it out.