oFusion CE Geometry


12-03-2008 09:25:16


I'm new and I've searched by did not found how to eport the static geometry from MAX so I can detect the objects in OGRE 3D and avoid collisions. I work with MAX 8 and I've tried oFusion 1.6 and 1.86. First of all, does the CE version Export the static geometry. I'm doing a research for my diploma project where I want to virtualy reconstitute a medieval fortress. Almost all the modelling part is already done (MAX). Now I want to build it up and work, let's say like a game level (travel around, look and receive informations). While I've searched the web I've found OGRE and I think this is my best option for what I want to do. I've loaded parts of the fortress in OGRE and done some research for the Static Goemtry problem but I got stocked (blocked) in exporting.

Thaks in advance for any answer and/or sugestion,


12-03-2008 16:35:10

Ofusion does support static geometry. I don't use the CE version so I don't know if that feature is enabled.

If it is enabled then you set your static geometry group names in the Ofusion object properties dialogue. And set the region sizes and other settings in the export dialogue. To the right of the Animation export properties.


13-03-2008 08:03:18

Thank you very much Evak. I know that it suports Static Geometry, but I don't know if the CE version suports it because I can't give names or check the options for static geometry anywhere in Max (controls are disabled). If anyone had done it with the CE version please tell me how.
Than you anyway for youre kind answer and could you tell me how much does the "full" version cost?
Can I independently generate the static geometry (just like some boxes so I can avoid the colision with the camera, not necesary exact geometry) from OGRE (knowing what places the camera should not reach in the scene can I just load invisible geometry boxes)? If the answer is yes and you have any link or reference please post it.
Thank you again,


13-03-2008 16:35:20

Hmm. Static geometry doesn't have much to do with collision. It's just a render optimization. What it does is take objects with the same static geometry name and joins all triangles with the same material into one big mesh. Modern GPU's likes to have a few larger meshes instead of many small ones. (Why BSP is going out of fashion).

The regions split the large static mesh optimaly depending on where the camera is, and what ranges you set.

For collisions, you need a collision or physics library in your application. Then you can use the visuals or extra low poly proxy meshes for your camera, game player etc. to collide with.

In our flow game framework, we set up static collisions so that you create your visual mesh, and give it a name. Then you create a simpler version you want to use for collisions, use the same name as the visuals with a _COL postfix. When you load your visual mesh, if there is a _COL version it will be automaticly loaded but not hidden so your physics/collision can interact with it.