Does Ofusion implement Octree or any splitting method for..


07-05-2008 06:11:55

Does Ofusion loader implement Octree or any splitting method for the consideration of a big scene?
I need to load a big scene with lots of objects, and I am afraid that FPS will gradually go down.


08-05-2008 03:12:58

The Octree system is managed automatically at scene load, objects will be created and added to the Octree system as they are loaded if the Octree SceneManager plugin library was loaded in your applciation and you exported the scene with the "Generic" scene type defined in the 'Scene' properties panel

If you scene objects are mostly static you can use the StaticGeometry support, select the objects that are part of the scene (static only) and in the 'Object' properties panel define a Static Geometry group name

In the Export dialog you can configure the StaticGeometry properties, as region size (this is the size of each region that will batch your scene objects), this value is scene specific and you need to tune it to your needs

The StaticGeometry will be created and handled automatically when loading the scene

Using the StaticGeometry the performance can be increased several orders of magnitude, you will need to unify your materials as much as possible to obtain the most performance, the Ogre documentation has more details on the StaticGeometry system


11-11-2008 06:45:39

I am new to oFusion and recently started using oFusion CE 1.8.6 and my main focus was to export a scene with Octree support.

If you scene objects are mostly static you can use the StaticGeometry support, select the objects that are part of the scene (static only) and in the 'Object' properties panel define a Static Geometry group name

I was trying to set the Static Geometry group name for my objects in the Object properties. But the 'Static Geometry Group Name' was greyed out. Similarly, the 'User Material', 'Texture Alias' & 'LOD Fields' are also greyed out. Are these features available only in the PRO version? I also found a similar query posted by 'katzenjoghurt' to which there were no replies


11-11-2008 15:31:32

Yes, they are Pro version features only