saving modified scenes


23-09-2008 23:31:08

I've read everything on the oFusion web site and way back into the oFusion forum postings - but still have a few questions.

One feature we are looking for is the ability to save modified scenes from an ogre app (think simple scene editor for non-artists). Ideally we could read in and save out in a binary format. I've read a few things that sound like both of these features might be available in the Pro version. Is this correct? Also, can you please send me info on additional features available with the Pro version and the current pricing.



24-09-2008 18:31:34

Yes, all of these features are supported in the Pro version

The oSceneLoader library supports xml and binary formats

Currently the oScene Serializer library saves in XML format (the binary support is complete but will be provided with the version 2) but a OSM 'xml -> bin' tool is provided to convert your scenes (and this can be automated from your application)