using asembly shaders


30-11-2008 08:20:09

please help me for using a ogre material that use asembly languege shader in game or ofusion.


05-12-2008 03:09:29

Only HighLevel shaders (HLSL, Cg, FX, CgFx) are supported as ASM shaders are not longer used

You can convert it to HLSL if needed and load it in oFusion to be used materials

You can post the ASM shader here and probably a user can convert it or if i have some free time i can convert it for you (but dont post a 5 pages SM4.0 ASM shader)


05-12-2008 18:46:53

You can post the ASM shader here and probably a user can convert it or if i have some free time i can convert it for you (but dont post a 5 pages SM4.0 ASM shader)
vertex programvs.1.1

dcl_position v0
dcl_normal v1
dcl_texcoord v2
dcl_tangent v3
dcl_binormal v4

m4x4 oPos, v0, c4 // OutPos = ObjSpacePos * WVP Matrix

mov r0, c2 // Find the eye position in object space
m4x4 r1, r0, c8

sub r8, r1, v0 // Compute view direction

dp3 r10.x, r8, r8 // Normalize the view vector
rsq r10.y, r10.x //
mul r8, r8, r10.y //

add r1, r8, r8 // Compute 2V
dp3 r10.x, r1, v1 // Compute 2V.N
mad r7, v1, r10.x, -r8 // Compute reflected view vector
// W = (2V.N)N - V

mov r5, v1 // The normal vector
mov r4, v3 // The tangent vector
mul r3, r4.yzxw, r5.zxyw // Setup binormal (tX) vector perp to normal in r3
mad r3, r4.zxyw, -r5.yzxw, r3 //
m3x3 r6, r8, r3 // Transform view vector into tangent space
mul oT0, v2, c1.x // Output bump map texture coordinates

m3x3 oT1, r7, c12 // Output reflection vector (in object space)
mov oT2, r3 // Output inverse tangent space basis vector 0 (X)
mov oT3, r4 // Output inverse tangent space basis vector 1 (Y)
mov oT4, r5 // Output inverse tangent space basis vector 2 (Z)
mov oT5, r8 // Output view vector in object space

mov, r6 // Output view vector in tangent space

fragment programps.1.4

texld r0, t0 // Read from microflake noise map to get perturbed normals
texld r1, t1 // Environment map reflection vector lookup ( for the gloss coat)
texcrd r3.rgb, t2 // Inverse tangent space base vector 0 ( tan X )
texcrd r4.rgb, t3 // Inverse tangent space base vector 1 ( tan Y )
texcrd r5.rgb, t4 // Inverse tangent space base vector 2 ( ten Z )
texcrd r2.rgb, t5 // The view vector

lrp r0.rgb, c5.a, r0_bx2, c5 // Increase the microflake perturbed normal a bit

mul r3.rgb, r0.r, r3
mad r3.rgb, r0.g, r4, r3
mad r3.rgb, r0.b, r5, r3 // Convert the perturbed normal from
dp3_sat r4, r2, r3 // Nbw.Vw

mad r3.rgb, r3_x2, r4, -r2 // Compute Rw = 2N(V.N)-V

mul_x8 r1.rgb, r1, r1.a // Brighten up the luminosity by 8
mov r5, r1

texld r0, t0 // Load the second microflake normal from the microflake
texld r1, r3 // noise map to simulate second layer of metallic flakes

mul_sat r1.rgb, r1, r1.a // Increase the 2nd microflake layer normal
+mad_sat r0.a, 1-v0.b, 1-v0.b, c1.a // Compute (1-N.V)^2

lrp r4.rgb, c3, r4, v0.b // Simulate color scattering
mul r4.rgb, r4_x2, c4 // Combine resulting color with base color
mul r1.rgb, r1, r0 // Add microflakes color
mad r1.rgb, r1, r5, r4 // Combine sparkles with base color gradient
lrp r0.rgb, r0.a, r5, r1 // Add reflections from the environment map

mul r0.a, r1.a, c2.a // Final color composite

for more information please see "metal/CarPaintMetalic" in render monkey
thank you very much.


10-12-2008 23:39:18

It should not take that long to conver this to High level shader code, but its extremely busy here this week

There are several car paint shaders that are HLSL or Cg, see the nVidia shaders or ATI Ashli samples


15-12-2008 06:32:32

It should not take that long to conver this to High level shader code, but its extremely busy here this week

There are several car paint shaders that are HLSL or Cg, see the nVidia shaders or ATI Ashli samples

Thank you.