Ofusion update for new shaderFX features and other things?


16-03-2009 19:30:30

Hi. I have started looking at doing interior scenes with multiple lights etc using shaders. Previously I have been working with basic single lightsource outdoor scenes.

ShaderFX 2.0 only supported point lights, no spot or direction lights making it difficult to use in indoor scenes with full dynamic shadows. Now ShaderFX 3.0 is out and supports the other light types as well as CG. I was wondering when/if support for these light types would migrate to Ofusion.

Ofusion doesn't support the integrated texture shadow types, even in OFusion pro. Were starting to experiment with Nullsquared soft shadows and possibly using his SSAO compositor. To use these things efficiently we really need to have access to spotlights and integrated shadows.

Will Ofusion PRO be providing support for these fairly new ogre rendering techniques either directly, or basic support in the OSM scene to use in your application?


Here's the shadows we are using http://www.ogre3d.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=39809

There was mention of updated shaderFX 3 support a couple of months ago. We're also eager to see .particle support built into the OSM format, even if its just a simple reference to a existing particle script. Were getting by with some simple user props for the time being though :)


20-03-2009 03:20:02

I'm wondering the same thing.

We're desperately waiting for some proper shadow support in our materials.

We need to be able to specify Shadow Caster/Receiver shaders, specify a texture unit as a content_shadow, etc etc..

Is there any intention to support this sort of stuff in future releases of Pro? I'm finding we're spending a lot more time editing material files by hand after export, which doesn't help our workflow at all.


23-03-2009 00:51:49

Yes this is being implemented as we speak

Hope to announcement will be made soon with all of these new features


24-03-2009 20:09:32

Excellent, look forward to hearing something soon :)