Debug Wireframes for shapes?


18-04-2006 10:05:50

Is there an engine facility for this?

ie, i have a vehicle with multiple (box)shapes that im trying to co-ordinate, but im having issues because I dont know exactly where the shapes are being created in terms of scale/position and in relation to the graphics mesh.

Does NxOgre expose this functionality?


18-04-2006 12:45:04

Yep, see in the demos the F2 key (half way through the code). Have a fiddle around with that. :D


18-04-2006 13:31:57

BTW, betajaen, I'm curious about the debug geometry, is it rendered by PhyX, or nxOgre??


18-04-2006 18:25:52

The lines are passed over to NxOgre, then I use the line3D class floating around here to draw it in to an the Scene.

But PhysX just supplies the lines and colours, and NxOgre draws them really.


19-04-2006 04:53:25

hmmm yeah i did that before, although i used the setDebug method, but with no result.

I tried using just


to no effect either.

Though what the demos have is exactly what i'm looking for.



19-04-2006 04:59:22

hmmm well nxogre references a material NxOgre.debugNode - probably a material im missing, although nothing comes up in logs


19-04-2006 05:28:07

cool, renamed the material found in OgreCore.material in the NxOgre media folder, from Core/NodeMaterial to NxOgre.debugNode (as requested by the debugNode constructor) and it seems to be working.


19-04-2006 09:55:30

Yep, thats it. If I remember correctly when a debugNode is created it clones that material. :D