Ogre3DBody callback ?


29-09-2009 15:49:39

Hello everybody,

I got an (several ;) issue with Ogre3DBody and several questions associated

I created an Ogre3DBody in my Ogre application : OK. If I understand well it creates one NxOgre Actor and one Ogre Entity linked together
I want to change his property in my Ogre Listener.

Questions :

- Is this possible the access the Ogre3DBody in my Listener class without making any reference (I pass a reference to my OGRE3DRenderSystem in the construction) : i think of a solution like : mRenderSystem->getScene()->get3DBody("Name") ?

- If I manually creat an entity and an actor : how can I link them together so as to be able to move the actor when i move the entity (and vice-versa) ?

- A none relative question but when I raycast into the NxOgre scene, is there any when to get the name of the rigidbody it returns ? (I created my body with RigidBodyDescription ...)

Hope it will be clear enough !

Thanks !