Kinematic Actor Jittering


08-10-2009 10:42:55


I know this has been asked a few times but i have not found a solution.

I have a rope, as per the PhysX tutorial, with the top attached to a kinematic actor which i was to move the rope.
The rope acts fine and has no jittering however the kinematic actor jitters which makes the top part of my rope jitter, the amount it jitters is dependent on the speed i move it.

eg, using Meters as my world units, moving it at 0.5m/s it jitters but is not that noticable from a distance, however moving it at 5m/s it jitters ALOT!!

I am using moveGlobalPosition although i have tried setGlobalPosition aswell but it made no difference.

Thanks in advance for any help!



11-10-2009 22:43:14

You are doing the moving of the Kinematic Actor right, so I don't think there is much to worry about that. Recently a lot of people are getting better simulations with the new timing code I posted on GitHub. It may be worth upgrading to that.

The only "strange" part of your setup is connecting dynamic actors to kinematic actors with Joints. I quickly looked in the documentation and there is nothing written about it, but that may be the problem.

But I would try the new timing code before doing anything else.


15-10-2009 11:17:26

I got this working.

In the end it was not just the Kinematic actor jittering, it was all the actors it just was not as noticable as they were dynamic actors and i was not contorlling their motion!

The reason for the jittering was because in your FixedTimeStep code you use your own timer and ignore the user's input so I was not using the same time step for the graphics and physics. To solve this i have simply put the physics update closer to where i do the objects update in my game loop.

PS. Attaching Dynamic Actors to Kinematic Actors with joints seems to work fine!