
08-04-2010 07:51:54

I'm experiencing memory leaks while running my app in conjunction with the VRD. For some reason it will keep allocating memory but not freeing it at anytime. I tried to read NxOgreLeaks.txt but I could not understand it. Something like
UNALLOCATED: 047497F8 => 196 b, from PHYSX:0
keeps showing up. All the UNALLOCATED messages originate from PHYSX:0 though what I guess to be their addresses keep changing (which would make sense if they really were addressses..).

My time advance/render loop only contains m_pNxOgreTimeController->advance(1.0f/60.0f); with my initialization looking like this
m_pNxOgreWorld = NxOgre::World::createWorld();
NxOgre::SceneDescription sceneDesc;
sceneDesc.mGravity = NxOgre::Vec3(0, -0.981f, 0);
sceneDesc.mName = "NxOgreScene";
m_pNxOgreScene = m_pNxOgreWorld->createScene(sceneDesc);
m_pNxOgreRenderSystem = new OGRE3DRenderSystem(m_pNxOgreScene);
m_pNxOgreTimeController = NxOgre::TimeController::getSingleton();
NxOgre::RemoteDebugger* pRemoteDebugger = new NxOgre::RemoteDebugger(m_pNxOgreWorld);

I don't create any actors, geometry or whatsoever - only world, empty scene with gravity and a connection to the VRD. Yet I still detect memory leaks. I checked the VRD doc and the physX sdk forums but could not find any hints to VRD leaking memory. What is it I'm doing wrong ?

Edit: Updated to new version, containing new VRD (1.9) which works fine thought it still needs a LOT LOT LOT of memory but won't cause leaks afaik.


12-04-2010 09:38:23

Any hints would be appreciated. I can't test my app w/o the VRD - which will crash after a short time due to memory waste. This is becoming a problem.

Ah, new version. That might fix it.