about Ogremax with Nxogre


08-06-2010 13:04:41

I have the Demo Nxogre successfully load the OgreMax exported ".scene" file, but how kind to ".scene" with NxOgre physical world together?



09-06-2010 10:50:54

You'll have to intercept the loading and creation of SceneNodes, and create the appropriate SceneGeometries, Bodies or KinematicBodies at the same time. I've never used the OgreMax code so I don't exactly know.

There is a Max PhysX exporter (which I've never used) which will export the Max meshes (I assume separately) to NXS files, which NxOgre can read, you can then load them when you load your scene; but remember to free them (and check for duplicates) if you switch your scene to something else.