InstancedObject To Create Separate Entities


15-06-2010 13:39:59


I'm not sure if this is possible, but I am using NxOgre to create multiple rigid bodies and coming to render the frame rate is become increasingly slow. The entities are very primitive, just 2x4x2 cubes with a very simple texture.

I have looked into OgreInstancedGeometry to try and improve rendering but as OgreInstancedGeometry only creates a batch object with one scene node instead of separate entities which means I cant use NxOgre on each entity.

Is there any way to implement an InstancedGeometry for NxOgre ? The only way I can think of is to use a modified Scenenode that can attach an instanced object or create a modified Entity with _updateMoved overridden so it instead moves the InstancedObject within the OgreInstancedGeometry batch.

Please help!



15-06-2010 14:41:24

You'd have to create your own "body" to create the instances yourself. I've never used any low-batching techniques in Ogre so I can't help you.

I've been working on an idea to create a SimpleRenderable, to physically draw the meshes X number of times in different poses to represent each Actor, effectivilty all Actors/Bodies of a type (say a traffic cone) would be drawn in one batch. Still an idea and very little code has been written yet.