20-07-2010 13:19:49
Hello !
I've just download and compile all the Ogre / NxOgre stuff.
First question: what is Critter?
is it an escaped thing from
I can't launch the first tutorial ("1001") because the material "wales" is not found.
That's called from here:
mCloth = mRenderSystem->createCloth(desc, "wales");
Any idea?
Thanks in advance...
PS: Here are all the changes I made in case it could help someone else:
*** EDIT *** My changes were useless (see below)
20-07-2010 13:22:24
You really shouldn't need to change anything at all if you have the OGRE_HOME and NXOGRE_DIR environmental variables set. I took a lot of time writing those scripts in OGRE_HOME/NXOGRE_DIR in mind.
I also use the SDK version, these are what the OGRE_HOME/NXOGRE_DIR should point to:
(Where N:\libraries\ is there you have these things)
OGRE_HOME -> N:\libraries\Ogre (The actual directory not the directory named OGRE in in Ogre/)
NXOGRE_DIR -> N:\libraries\NxOgre (The directory containing the SDK folder)
20-07-2010 13:43:32
Thanks for your answer.
In nxogre.zip, there is no "wales.material" but "wales.png".
Is it ok then to call renderable->setMaterial(materialName) with materialName="wales.png"? (CritterRenderSystem.cpp in RenderSystem::createCloth)
I have no problem anymore with compile/link with the changes I described above.
What is your version of Ogre? I use ogre_src_v1-7-1.
And I have all the environment variables correctly setup (otherwise nothing would work!).
I even added $(CRITTER_DIR) to make it independent from NXOGRE_DIR in the tutorials.
Thanks for your help,
20-07-2010 14:26:37
There is a wales material it's in one of the material files. All of the tutorials work out of the box. You've just done something wrong with the installation.
Seriously. It's just set the environmental variables, unzip and compile. They work out of the box.
20-07-2010 16:30:22
OK, I have realized that I didn't build the "INSTALL" project in the OGRE.sln so the SDK was not installed as it should.
Sorry about this.
But I can confirm that the "wales.material" is not in betajaen-nxogretutorials-8b867c7.zip, I can only find "wales.png"...
Can you please send it here on the forum?
Thanks in advance,
20-07-2010 16:44:49
It's in one of the material files. cc.material I think.
AFAIK; The SDK does not have a INSTALL project file, that's the source code version.
20-07-2010 18:13:00
Yes, I have the source code version it's easier to debug.
In 1001.cpp, I tried:
mCloth = mRenderSystem->createCloth(desc, "cc");
mCloth = mRenderSystem->createCloth(desc, "cc.material");
mCloth = mRenderSystem->createCloth(desc, "nxogre.cc");
mCloth = mRenderSystem->createCloth(desc, "nxogre.cc.material");
But they all fail.
In fact, all calls to createCloth fail (113, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004), all other samples work perfectly... except 106 which does not find "nxogre.zz" (ParticleManager), and 117 runs at 2.1 FPS...
Any idea?
20-07-2010 18:28:24
"cc.material" is the name of the FILE, which comes in the zip file, which you copied to your Ogre media folder as per the instructions.
20-07-2010 19:24:58
Sorry I wrote "Zip=.../nxogre.zip" at the end of the file, while it should be written exactly "underneath Zip=../../media/packs/skybox.zip".
That was my mistake.
106 runs fine.
117 runs still at 2.1 FPS.
And now, the cloth samples just crash (113, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004).
I will report here if I can find out why.
All the best,
20-07-2010 21:14:47
Here is the crash I have with the 1001 sample (I preferred to put it into the OGRE.sln to allow debug) :
Please let me know if you have any idea...
Thanks in advance,
20-07-2010 23:03:25
It works with RenderSystem_Direct3D9.
The crash occurs only if I choose RenderSystem_GL...
I guess the best is to use D3D9 for PhysX clothes...
I will post here if I make it work one day with GL.
All the best, and thank you betajaen for your assistance,