Crash when advancing mWorld


02-12-2010 01:24:25

Another bug....The program crashes at this point in the code...

*breakpoint* mWorld->advance(timeSinceLastFrame);
mLastTimeStep = mScene->getTimeStep().getModified();

It automatically breaks here in Critterbody.cpp line 169

bool Body::advance(float step, const NxOgre::Enums::Priority&, const NxOgre::Enums::SceneFunction&)
*breakpoint* mNode->setPosition( getGlobalPosition().as<Ogre::Vector3>() );
mNode->setOrientation( getGlobalOrientationQuat().as<Ogre::Quaternion>() );
return true;

The context is that I've integrated the gameworld into a state machine. I switch to the menu state and then attempt to switch back to the gamestate.


04-12-2010 19:14:01

nvmind found I was deleting mSceneMgr whenever I was leaving gamestate