NxOgre not compiling the first time.


04-08-2011 23:07:18

Well i have downloaded the betajaen-nxogre-e7f92bb, the last Nvida System Suport and Nvida SDK 2.8.4.

My Nvidia Sdk Folder is: C:/Dev/Physysx (Inside this folder i have the others folders : Bin, Externals , Graphics,Samples, Sdks,SysRelease,TOols)
My PHYSX_DIR env variavle is set to : C:/Dev/Physysx

yet i still not able to build the project, i get this error(a lot of times): Cannot open include file: 'NxPhysics.h': No such file or directory

As i saw in this forum this problem is related to the env variable, but, i tried a lot of others folders related to the SDK and nothing.
Do anyone(or everyone) knows what's wrong here ?


04-08-2011 23:39:59

Solved the problem already, you can't install the SDK in one hd and the nxogre in another.


05-08-2011 07:12:55

Solved the problem already, you can't install the SDK in one hd and the nxogre in another.
what? never faced a problem like that before