oFusion + nxogre + new xml format file


24-10-2006 02:21:17

Hi all.
I build a plugin to 3dmax (while i was learning MAXScript and nxOgre) to export the descriptors (shapes) in a simple xml to integrate with OSM (oFusion scene descriptor) to my engine.

the code is: (not it's so good, but work fine xD)

-- Rollout to export descriptos physx
rollout progressTest "Exportar Fisicas"
-- Button start to export physics
button export "Export Descriptors";

-- Porgress bar with red color
progressbar export_prog color:red;

-- Start
on export pressed do
-- Select All Meshes
format ( "[Physx] select all\n" );
objArray = geometry as array;

if ( objArray.count >= 1 ) then
-- build file
format ( "[Physx] Build file: physx.phy\n" );

-- open file
outFile = createfile ( "physx.phy" );

-- if can not build file.
if ( outFile == undefined ) then
format ("[Physx] can not build file" );
return false;

-- wirte root node
format ( "[Physx] Root Node\n" );
format ( "<physx>\n" ) to: outFile;

format ( "[Physx] saving descriptors\n" );

-- loop 1 to AllMeshes.count
for i = 1 to objArray.count do
-- if it is Sphere descriptor save RADIUS.
if ( classof objArray[i] == Sphere ) then
format ( "\t<mesh name=\"%\" radius=\"%\" />\n" ) objArray[i].name objArray[i].radius to: outFile;
-- if it's Cylinder descriptor save RADIUS and HEIGHT.
else if ( classof objArray[i] == Cylinder ) then
format ( "\t<mesh name=\"%\" radius=\"%\" height=\"%\" />\n" ) objArray[i].name objArray[i].radius objArray[i].height to: outFile;
-- if it's Box descriptor save WIDTH, HEIGHT and LENGTH.
else if ( classof objArray[i] == Box ) then
format ( "\t<mesh name=\"%\" width=\"%\" height=\"%\" length=\"%\" />\n" ) objArray[i].name objArray[i].width objArray[i].length objArray[i].height to: outFile;

-- Increment the progress bar.
progress = 100.*i/objArray.count;

format ( "[Physx] Progress: %\n" ) progress;
export_prog.value = progress;

-- Close root node.
format ( "[Physx] Closing Root Node\n" );
format ( "</physx>\n" ) to: outFile;
-- Close file.
format ( "[Physx] Closing File\n" );
close outFile;

format ( "[Physx] Scene descriptors saved" );
format ( "[Physx] Close file" );

-- if no data.
format ( "[Physx] There are not descriptors" );
messageBox "Error: There are not descriptors";

-- Show dialog of progress
createDialog progressTest 200 60

i modified the Ogre_OSMScene.h (.cpp) to load my scene and my descriptors to my meshes and i can use it ofusion with nxogre. The idea is: i have a table with 5 descriptors (boxes) in my scene, i export osm file and physx.phy. (note: all descriptors must be in a different layer and before to export hide all meshes -- or layers ).

i put my code (.cpp and .h) to load the descriptors when it's stable.

Ideas? sugg?

the xml:

<mesh name="Box01" width="20.1079" height="10.0178" length="25.0686" />
<mesh name="Box02" width="3.85523" height="25.8127" length="23.0668" />
<mesh name="Box03" width="39.2257" height="10.9415" length="24.8906" />
<mesh name="Box04" width="8.78342" height="35.8127" length="25.5905" />
<mesh name="Box05" width="8.78342" height="35.8127" length="25.5905" />

five descriptors to my table, after load with:
nxOgre::body *myCube = mScene->createBody(pszName,pszFileName,new nxOgre::cubeShape(10.0f),10.0f,Vector3(0,3.5,0));

process to pregress xD

sorry for my english, i speak spanish xD


24-10-2006 03:24:05

firsts correction:
objArray = geometry as array;

objArray = selection as array;

and all your meshes selecteds will be include in your physx.phy

now you can select the meshes that you want like shapes in physx.


24-10-2006 09:00:42

Good work!

If you have 0.4RC1 we have an exporter/importer already, good news is it supports multiple file formats.

Look at nxOgre_textStream.h and nxOgre_textStream.cpp for more details, and tutorials 504a and 504b.

On some related news, I wrote a Python script ages back that converts a PhysX PML scene to NxScene, perhaps I should clean it up and release it one day.


24-10-2006 17:47:47

i have 0.5 preview 3 and i can't see these files.
where can i find then?


24-10-2006 18:03:10

It's in 0.4 RC1, Preview 3 is like 6-7 months old.


24-10-2006 21:13:03

mmm but the last version is 0.5p3 or not?
these files are not in this version?


24-10-2006 21:17:31

No, like I said. 0.4 RC1 is the latest version, Preview 3 was released over 7 months ago.


24-10-2006 21:30:43

Latest: 0.5 Preview 3.0

?? where can i get 0.4RC1? in sourceforge i see 0.5p3 :S i don't understand :S


24-10-2006 21:59:59

ok, i have 0.4rc1 but .... i use vs 7.1 and nxogre it's in vs8 :'( i must build it "a pie" xD


24-10-2006 22:16:48

I haven't gotten around to amending the Wiki and the Sourceforge yet.

Converting the VS8 project is quite easy, it's just changing the version in the project files, but I recommend you just get VS8 - basically because Visual Studio 2005 express is free and downloadable from Microsoft's website.


24-10-2006 22:50:50

i have errors with examples in nxogre 0.4
the lib compiled fine and examples but when i run, i see my screen black (all), nothing more :S my log it's fine (load meshes and materials fine)
any idea?


25-10-2006 10:08:42


The "fix" only works with the mouse picker enabled tutorials, 102,103,etc.


25-10-2006 16:49:10

but the 101 don't work xD


25-10-2006 16:50:19

I know, I just told you above. Only the mouse picker tutorials and 101 isn't one of them.


25-10-2006 17:14:33

Ok, i'm working with nxogre 0.4rc1 and i have the following error:

10:50:50.000000 Starting up NxOgre using versions:
- PhysX SDK 2.4.4
- NxOgre NxOgre 0.4.RC1(Compatible: yes)
- Hardware None installed or none found.
10:50:50.000000 Started.
10:50:50.000000 Creating scene 'Main'.

** Warning **
Actor::loadFromDescInternal: Can't compute mass from shapes: must have at least one non-trigger shape!

E:\p4\release\PhysX_2.4.4\novodex\SDKs\Physics\src\Actor.cpp:370 : PhysXSDK(RE)


** Warning **
Actor Initialisation failed: returned NULL.

E:\p4\release\PhysX_2.4.4\novodex\SDKs\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp:583 : PhysXSDK(RE)


** Warning **
Creation of actor in body 'columan cubiculo' failed!

columan cubiculo : body

I have all meshes fine and i test them in nxogre 0.5p3 and them work fine but in 0.4rc1 not work, any idea?

My meshes are exported from ofusion (3dmax)

ok, i put this mesh in tutorial102 and this work fine, so ... what is the problem? ideas?


25-10-2006 18:11:22

Show us the source.


25-10-2006 20:08:23

i have the following code in "102"

for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
Vector3 pos ( 10 * i, 0.5, 5*i );
LogManager::getSingleton ().logMessage ( "mySphere" + StringConverter::toString(i) );
mySphere = mScene->createBody(
"mySphere" + StringConverter::toString(i), // Name
"sphere.50cm.mesh", // sphere.50cm.mesh Mesh name to use
//"columan cubiculo.mesh",
new sphereShape(0.5f), // Sphere Shape with a 0.5 metre radius
10.0f, // Density
pos // Where to put it

when i do the loop to 4, it work fine, but when i try to 5 it break. my logs it's fine

nxogre log:

14:01:26.000000 Starting up NxOgre using versions:
- PhysX SDK 2.4.4
- NxOgre NxOgre 0.4.RC1(Compatible: yes)
- Hardware None installed or none found.
14:01:26.000000 Started.
14:01:26.000000 Creating scene 'Main'.

ogre log:

14:01:26: Win32Input8: DirectInput OK.
14:01:26: Texture: arrow.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,32x32x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1.
14:01:26: WARNING: Mesh instance 'NxOgre.ErrorCube' was defined as manually loaded, but no manual loader was provided. This Resource will be lost if it has to be reloaded.
14:01:26: mySphere0
14:01:26: Mesh: Loading sphere.50cm.mesh.
14:01:26: mySphere1
14:01:26: mySphere2
14:01:26: mySphere3
14:01:26: mySphere4
14:01:26: Mesh: Loading cube.1m.mesh.

any idea? i have 1.5G RAM and 256 Graphics memory (ati).
this problem is in nx0.4rc1, in 0.5p3 work fine with 5 and 6, ....

thanks xD


25-10-2006 20:43:11

Alright the code seems fine, the only eyebrow raiser is your overwriting the same mySphere in each iteration of that loop, remove it and see what happens.



Also looking at your Ogre log, it seems to be crashing after that loop, when the next body generated loads the cube.1m.mesh


25-10-2006 22:15:56

my ogre log with 4 iterations:

16:11:19: Win32Input8: DirectInput OK.
16:11:19: Texture: arrow.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,32x32x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1.
16:11:19: WARNING: Mesh instance 'NxOgre.ErrorCube' was defined as manually loaded, but no manual loader was provided. This Resource will be lost if it has to be reloaded.
16:11:20: mySphere0
16:11:20: Mesh: Loading sphere.50cm.mesh.
16:11:20: mySphere1
16:11:20: mySphere2
16:11:20: mySphere3
16:11:20: Mesh: Loading cube.1m.mesh.
16:11:20: Mesh: Loading nx.bodyguide.mesh.
16:11:20: Texture: bodyguide1m.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
16:11:20: Texture: spot_shadow_fade.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_B8G8R8,128x128x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,128x128x1.

i put:

"mySphere" + StringConverter::toString(i), // Name
"sphere.50cm.mesh", // sphere.50cm.mesh Mesh name to use
//"columan cubiculo.mesh",
new sphereShape(0.5f), // Sphere Shape with a 0.5 metre radius
10.0f, // Density
pos // Where to put it

and i have the same result, don't work :S :'( any idea? you test 102 with a loop? 0 -> 10 for example?

i try:

body * some = mScene -> createBody ( ... );

and i have the same error :S


25-10-2006 22:46:27

Well it's not crashing at that point then. If you look in the Ogre log, the sphere mesh is loaded, after a cube.1m.mesh is created.

Post the whole void start() code.


25-10-2006 22:57:36

my start method:

void start() {

// 1. Start up NxOgre and pass on Ogre Root and the SceneManager as arguments.
mWorld = new world(mRoot);

// 2. Create our scene, this is where the physics is simulated into.
// We can have more than one scene, but physics objects of one scene
// cannot interact with another scene.
mScene = mWorld->createScene("Main",mSceneMgr);

// 3. Better add some gravity.

// 4. Let's add a floor.
// Floors have an infinite size so we don't have to worry about anything
// falling off!

// 5. Create a simple sphere using the sphere shape.

for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ )
Vector3 pos ( 10 * i, 0.5, 5*i );
LogManager::getSingleton ().logMessage ( "mySphere" + StringConverter::toString(i) );
// i try with all them
// mySphere = mScene->createBody (
// mScene -> createBody (
body * algo = mScene->createBody(
"mySphere" + StringConverter::toString(i), // Name
"sphere.50cm.mesh", // sphere.50cm.mesh Mesh name to use
//"columan cubiculo.mesh",
new sphereShape(0.5f), // Sphere Shape with a 0.5 metre radius
10.0f, // Density
pos // Where to put it

// 6. Create another cube.
myCube = mScene->createBody(
"myCube", // Name of the body
"cube.1m.mesh", // Mesh to use
new cubeShape(1), // Collision model
1.0f, // Density
pose( // Pose it:-
Vector3(-3,0.5,3), // Put it at -3, 0.5, 3
Quaternion(Radian(Degree(45)),Vector3::UNIT_Y) // Rotate it 45 degrees on the Y axis

// That's it!

pickerSetup(mSceneMgr, mCamera, mScene, mWindow->getWidth(), mWindow->getHeight());



25-10-2006 23:06:24

Hmm, I have a feeling it may have to do with the picker.

Put targetBody = 0, just before that pickerSetup line.


25-10-2006 23:14:09


ogre log:

17:10:23: Win32Input8: DirectInput OK.
17:10:23: Texture: arrow.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,32x32x1) with hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,32x32x1.
17:10:23: WARNING: Mesh instance 'NxOgre.ErrorCube' was defined as manually loaded, but no manual loader was provided. This Resource will be lost if it has to be reloaded.
17:10:23: mySphere0
17:10:23: Mesh: Loading sphere.50cm.mesh.
17:10:23: mySphere1
17:10:23: mySphere2
17:10:23: mySphere3
17:10:23: mySphere4
17:10:23: Mesh: Loading cube.1m.mesh.


targetBody = 0;
pickerSetup(mSceneMgr, mCamera, mScene, mWindow->getWidth(), mWindow->getHeight());

mmmm any idea? jejejeje weird xD


25-10-2006 23:23:24

Okay, what exactly happens? Does it crash?, does it make your computer bleed, is there just a blank screen with a mouse pointer?


26-10-2006 17:43:43

ok, my program crash in the begin, not blank screen, not mouse pointer, no nothing, just crash :S in the begin, i think that is a null pointer but i view all source and not :S

can you test my source? in your 102 example and tell me if all work fine
(the start method)


26-10-2006 18:51:42

Works fine.


27-10-2006 22:07:25

can you post the start method in this forum? please.

and load dll and lib of you nxOgre?
i compile nxOgre today and nothing. i'll be crazy


27-10-2006 22:29:57

ok, i try the same with cube.1m.mesh and it work fine, but with the sphere just load 4 entities (with cube i put 100 entities and work fine). any idea? with my mesh i have the same result that with the sphere :S just 4. Any idea? the mesh load fine (4 entities) .... so i don't think the mesh is corrupte. thanks


27-10-2006 22:36:51

The start function is exactly what you give me, it must be the sphere mesh then, try replace it with the cube and see what happens.


27-10-2006 22:40:31

with the cube work fine (i put in my preview post) with 100 entities, but ..... ok, i have a question:
why the sphere work fine with 4 entities? it load fine. any idea? and when i use the nxogre 0.5p3 it work fine with the sphere, why? ideas?


27-10-2006 23:09:15

I don't know why. It's probably the mesh itself, corrupt or perhaps something wrong is with Ogre.


27-10-2006 23:31:18

ok, but .. i use the sphere.mesh that you use in the examples and you can use fine, so, why to me not?


27-10-2006 23:35:42

Like I said it might be corrupt for you. Try re-downloading NxOgre.


27-10-2006 23:36:53

you can download this mesh:
and try? can put a screen shots? please (6 entities pleas)


27-10-2006 23:52:29

Your mesh works with the code you posted on the previous page, in a sphere shape. To prove it the image above has 50 of them and it works as a meshShape as well.

There is nothing wrong with the mesh or the code.

Please post your full specs of Ogre, NxOgre and PhysX.


28-10-2006 00:05:03

Ogre 1.2.2
nxOgre 0.4 rc1
physx 2.4.4

Visual Studio 7.1

i have ati radeon 9550 (agp 8x) 256M
2.8H AMD athon xp (32bits)
1.5G RAM


i use the same mesh that you .... so, not is that, idea?


30-10-2006 19:27:35

ok, i put more debug msg in nxogre in scene->create body and bodoy constructor and i have the following nxogre error log:

14:19:55.000000 Starting up NxOgre using versions:
- PhysX SDK 2.4.4
- NxOgre NxOgre 0.4.RC1(Compatible: yes)
- Hardware None installed or none found.
14:19:55.000000 Started.
14:19:55.000000 Creating scene 'Main'.
14:19:55.000000 body Start
14:19:55.000000 addShape start
14:19:55.000000 addShape end
14:19:55.000000 CreateBody calling -- start
14:19:55.000000 body Start
14:19:55.000000 addShape start
14:19:55.000000 addShape end
14:19:55.000000 CreateBody called -- end
14:19:55.000000 CreateBody calling -- start
14:19:55.000000 body Start
14:19:55.000000 addShape start
14:19:55.000000 addShape end
14:19:55.000000 CreateBody called -- end
14:19:55.000000 CreateBody calling -- start
14:19:55.000000 body Start
14:19:55.000000 addShape start
14:19:55.000000 addShape end
14:19:55.000000 CreateBody called -- end
14:19:55.000000 CreateBody calling -- start
14:19:55.000000 body Start
14:19:55.000000 addShape start
14:19:55.000000 addShape end
14:19:55.000000 CreateBody called -- end
14:19:55.000000 CreateBody calling -- start
14:19:55.000000 body Start
14:19:55.000000 addShape start
14:19:55.000000 addShape end

** Warning **
Supplied NxActorDesc is not valid. createActor returns NULL.

E:\p4\release\PhysX_2.4.4\novodex\SDKs\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp:561 : PhysXSDK(RE)


** Warning **
Creation of actor in body 'mySphere4' failed!

mySphere4 : body

14:19:55.000000 CreateBody called -- end

ok, in createBody i have (scene.cpp):
error::getSingleton().Note ( "CreateBody calling -- start" );
// code
error::getSingleton().Note ( "CreateBody called -- end" );

and body constructor (body.cpp) i have:
error::getSingleton().Note ( "body Start" );
// code
error::getSingleton().Note ( "addShape start" );
_addShape ( ... );
error::getSingleton().Note ( "addShape end" );

any ideas with that? where are the error?


30-10-2006 19:38:50

Must be RC1 then. RC2 is released, try it with that.


30-10-2006 19:47:18

ok, i'll try


30-10-2006 20:09:58

ok, with 0.4rc2 i have the following error:

15:06:08.000000 Starting up NxOgre using versions:
-> PhysX SDK 2.4.4
-> Hardware None installed or none found.
-> NxOgre NxOgre 0.4.RC2 (Compatible: yes)
-> Ogre 1.2.2 'Dagon'
15:06:08.000000 Started.
15:06:08.000000 Creating scene 'Main'.

** Warning **
Supplied NxActorDesc is not valid. createActor returns NULL.

E:\p4\release\PhysX_2.4.4\novodex\SDKs\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp:561 : PhysXSDK(RE)


** Warning **
Creation of actor in body 'mySpherearcos13' failed!

mySpherearcos13 : body



30-10-2006 20:25:58

I read somewhere you use Visual Studio 7.1?


30-10-2006 20:31:28

yes, why any problem? i put the include dir and lib dir and inputs fine and the project compile fine.
any problem?


30-10-2006 20:34:30

It might be, thats the only difference between my setup and yours.


30-10-2006 20:52:08

ok, i'm installing vs 2005 express, is it fine?


30-10-2006 20:54:04

ok, i'm installing vs 2005 express, is it fine?

Yep go for it. Remember to set everything up as per on the Ogre Wiki.


10-02-2008 12:33:28

ok, with 0.4rc2 i have the following error:

15:06:08.000000 Starting up NxOgre using versions:
-> PhysX SDK 2.4.4
-> Hardware None installed or none found.
-> NxOgre NxOgre 0.4.RC2 (Compatible: yes)
-> Ogre 1.2.2 'Dagon'
15:06:08.000000 Started.
15:06:08.000000 Creating scene 'Main'.

** Warning **
Supplied NxActorDesc is not valid. createActor returns NULL.

E:\p4\release\PhysX_2.4.4\novodex\SDKs\Physics\src\NpScene.cpp:561 : PhysXSDK(RE)


** Warning **
Creation of actor in body 'mySpherearcos13' failed!

mySpherearcos13 : body


I'm using VC8 and have the same error. how did u solve it?


10-02-2008 12:43:56

Can you not bump threads that are two years old and can you not use NxOgre 0.4. It's utter trash; use NxOgre 0.9