Showcase 2: 3D Mouse Picker, Materials, Projectile Shooting


28-03-2007 08:12:42

I got hooked on programming my project, thus pushing my college and my money-job aside for few more days. I would like to showcase few more features: intuitive 3D mouse picker, physical materials (bounce and static/dynamic friction variables), and projectile shooting.

Description of Video:
Demo of Ogre and NxOgre Ageia PhysX in action. Featuring projectile shooting, character animation, collision, real-world scale, materials (friction and bounce), and 3D mouse picker.

See Video:

Known Issues:
  1. Projectile shooting going through walls sometimes. (CCD not implemented yet)[/*:m]
  2. Character is not locked onto the x-axis for 2D playing action.[/*:m]
  3. I can't customized the jumping thrust easily.[/*:m]
  4. Animation out of synchronization when recording video, many NxOgre boxes, or NxOgre debug mode.[/*:m]
  5. Turning is fast, not smooth.[/*:m][/list:u]Previous Videos:


22-07-2007 07:05:17


I like the effect of the rotating circle in the ground when you pick an object, how do you do the effect?

Are you doing mouse picking at what level?, bounding box? or something more accurate? Can you tell me about your implementation of the mouse picking?




22-07-2007 10:22:07

The rotating disk was created by me, it's just a texture/material combination with one of the material options (which escapes me now) to animate a rotation automatically for you. It's really easy.

Usually mouse picking in NxOgre/PhysX is more accurate than bounding box. I assume Die Hard borrow some of the code from the NxOgre and PhysX tutorials to achieve that effect.


22-07-2007 20:48:39

And how did you merge the material for the circle with the ground and translate it?



22-07-2007 21:08:19

It's just a scenenode/entity combo 0.05 units above the ground, X and Z are just copied from the target SceneNode to make it move around.


23-07-2007 05:38:43

Hey thanks.

I got the same effect! :