NxOgre compiling error...


08-07-2007 05:45:10

Hi Betajaen,

I actually get this error at compiling{

C:\NxOgre\include\NxOgreStable.h(112) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Nx.h': No such file or directory

} :oops:

Everything seems right for me but it does not want to compile... please help me :roll:


08-07-2007 11:43:20

Did you create an Environmental Variable pointing to the PhysX directory?


08-07-2007 17:11:43

Shot at 2007-07-08

I think that everything is right on this side... :?

Sorry I forgot to crop the screenshot. :P


08-07-2007 17:19:26

Try it as:



08-07-2007 17:20:43

yeahhhh after posting that I fount it :P .
I'm testing it right now :lol:


08-07-2007 17:26:17

It should work. But if it doesn't restart Visual Studio, it doesn't tend to notice environmental variable changes.


08-07-2007 17:28:14

Got the same error :cry:
Yeah I closed and re-opened VS80

Could you tell me in what directory this file is suposed to be... :oops:

My PhysX dir looks like that


is there something wrong...

its PhysX SDK 2.7.2


08-07-2007 17:40:09

It looks perfect to me, the following is my setup and its pretty much the same as yours:

You could always restart your computer. It may work then.


08-07-2007 18:04:41

You're working on a network drive :shock: :D . I love this concept. I should work on mine too.


The system cannot find the path specified.
0 file(s) copied.

Project : error PRJ0019: Un outil a retourné un code d'erreur à partir de "Exécution d'un événement après génération..."

Project : error PRJ0019: A tool has returned an error code from "Post compiling event"

ahhhhh I'm getting mad!


08-07-2007 18:17:50

Nope. It's a partition, z:

Thats not an error, ignore it.


08-07-2007 18:40:59

ahh yes partition z:\ :!: :P

This will probably sound noobish but.... where should I go next :P
I looked at the tutorial on your wiki but they are for 0.4

Shot at 2007-07-08

Ahh I feel like the noobest noob on earth ! :shock:

I of course tried the tutorials but they give me the same post comp error and they don't produce any exes


08-07-2007 18:48:44

Most of the stuff on the wiki applies to 0.9, obviously the class names are slighty different. But the theory is mostly there. The 0.9 migration thread I posted (the sticky one), really helps too.

I'll be addressing this problem soon anyway.


08-07-2007 19:03:28

Ahh im about to cry now

..\101.cpp(43) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'tutorialApplication.h': No such file or directory
at 101,Cube on a Plane

WHY! :evil: :shock: :(

Everything was suposed to be fine!


08-07-2007 19:41:49

You should make a new folder in your SVN for the Tutorials :) . It would be great...


08-07-2007 19:56:02

I already have one, it's also got things in it. ;)


08-07-2007 20:04:19

ahh I love you! (you know what I mean...)

but now how do I solve this! :S

..\101.cpp(43) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'tutorialApplication.h': No such file or directory


08-07-2007 20:10:28

It should come with the 0.4 tutorials (which I assume your working from).


08-07-2007 20:37:22

Yeah im working with the 0.4 tutorials...

I'm actually tired of trying to explain my problems so i've made a Macromedia Captiavte presentation... Its actually an exe you can scan in anyway if you don't feel safe

I hope this'll help you to help me out


08-07-2007 20:58:05

I don't have a Virus scanner, but I don't trust Macromedia that much. Any chance for a video, or a youtube link? ;)

How about instead, I'll release a my copy of Sandbox (the application I use to develop and test NxOgre with) by the end of the week.

I have secret plans for the website and some documentation as well underway as well, those will be released at the end of the week as well.

For now; You could use the Ogre SkyBox demo.


08-07-2007 21:10:47

yeah i can put it on youtube but I have to convert it and make zooms.... im working on it 8)

What's Sandbox :?: .


08-07-2007 21:22:55

http://www.ogre3d.org/phpBB2addons/view ... 7324#27324


08-07-2007 21:28:33

Ahh I already saw it . Thats nice :D

I cant put the video file on youtube I dont know why.
Use this link... it's a stand-alone flash player with the movie in it so you have noting else to install...

trust me there is no virus in it. Why would I put one?



08-07-2007 21:46:54

I actually attempted to compile the 0.4 tutorials a few minutes ago. Same error. It's do with a missing Environmental Variable from the old 0.4 days. NxOgre 0.9 doesn't use it anymore, so you wouldn't of known.

NXOGRE_DIR -> c:/NxOgre/


08-07-2007 22:07:30

so... what do I do with it??

Isn't it already there ?

just forget about the /SDKs :P I took my old screenshot


08-07-2007 22:37:41

Alright, just set absolute paths for it in the project settings.


08-07-2007 23:10:29

Is there a way a can get newer tutorials trough SVN ? :D

Is it in your secret plans :P

Thank you for everything you are doing really great work :wink:


08-07-2007 23:21:15

Secret Plans.


08-07-2007 23:24:06

I have secret plans for the website and some documentation as well underway as well, those will be released at the end of the week as well.

For now; You could use the Ogre SkyBox demo.

These secrets plans :P


09-07-2007 00:17:19

That's only 5% of what I'm really planning to do in the future.


09-07-2007 00:23:29

These 5% already sound great :D . I can't wait to see the other 95% :P
What have you studied in?^^