11-09-2007 20:36:24
Hi! betajean!
Long time no see u...
first thing first, the old post
I was working in a LOD version of Mesh to create a ConvexMesh and now is finished I use a deprecated version of NxOgre & Ogre itself.
I will upgrade all dependencias asap if the code needs to be tweaked i will do it myself soon.
the code need to be cleaned from my loggers and things like that.
sorry to forget it last time ^^ one year past but I'm back in game developing.
Long time no see u...
first thing first, the old post
I was working in a LOD version of Mesh to create a ConvexMesh and now is finished I use a deprecated version of NxOgre & Ogre itself.
I will upgrade all dependencias asap if the code needs to be tweaked i will do it myself soon.
the code need to be cleaned from my loggers and things like that.
namespace MESHUTIL
Dont call this directly, use: getMeshPoints or getMeshPointsLOD instead.
@see getMeshPoints
@see getMeshPointsLOD
void getVertex( const Ogre::Mesh* const mesh,
const Ogre::Vector3 &position,
const Ogre::Quaternion &orient,
const Ogre::Vector3 &scale,
std::vector<Ogre::Vector3>& output,
bool removeRepeated=true);
Get all Points/Vertices from a mesh, and store it into out.\n
use: ConvexShape generation
void getMeshPoints(Ogre::Mesh* mesh,std::vector<Ogre::Vector3>& out);
The same as getMeshPoints, but now take a LOD level to build the vertices vector.\n
use: ConvexShape generation
@see getMeshPoints
void getMeshPointsLOD(Ogre::Mesh* mesh,std::vector<Ogre::Vector3>& out, Ogre::ushort LOD);
} // namespace MESHUTIL
namespace MESHUTIL
void getVertex( const Ogre::Mesh* const mesh,
const Ogre::Vector3 &position,
const Ogre::Quaternion &orient,
const Ogre::Vector3 &scale,
std::vector<Ogre::Vector3>& output,
bool removeRepeated)
bool added_shared = false;
size_t current_offset = 0;
size_t shared_offset = 0;
size_t next_offset = 0;
size_t vertex_count=0;
vertex_count = 0;
// Calculate how many vertices and indices we're going to need
for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < mesh->getNumSubMeshes(); ++i)
Ogre::SubMesh* submesh = mesh->getSubMesh( i );
vertex_count += submesh->vertexData->vertexCount;
//OgreLog(Ogre::String("vertex: ")+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(vertex_count));
added_shared = false;
// Run through the submeshes again, adding the data into the arrays
for ( unsigned short i = 0; i < mesh->getNumSubMeshes(); ++i)
Ogre::SubMesh* submesh = mesh->getSubMesh(i);
Ogre::VertexData* vertex_data = submesh->useSharedVertices ? mesh->sharedVertexData : submesh->vertexData;
if((!submesh->useSharedVertices)||(submesh->useSharedVertices && !added_shared))
added_shared = true;
shared_offset = current_offset;
const Ogre::VertexElement* posElem =
Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf =
unsigned char* vertex =
static_cast<unsigned char*>(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_READ_ONLY));
// There is _no_ baseVertexPointerToElement() which takes an Ogre::Real or a double
// as second argument. So make it float, to avoid trouble when Ogre::Real will
// be comiled/typedefed as double:
// Ogre::Real* pReal;
float* pReal;
for( size_t j = 0; j < vertex_data->vertexCount; ++j, vertex += vbuf->getVertexSize())
posElem->baseVertexPointerToElement(vertex, &pReal);
Ogre::Vector3 pt(pReal[0], pReal[1], pReal[2]);
if (removeRepeated)
bool add=true;
for(size_t x=0; x<output.size();++x)
if ( output[x] == (orient * (pt * scale)) + position )
if ( add )
output.push_back((orient * (pt * scale)) + position);
// OgreLog(Ogre::String("vertex added: ")+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(pt)+Ogre::String("position: ")+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(current_offset + j));
output.push_back((orient * (pt * scale)) + position);
next_offset += vertex_data->vertexCount;
current_offset = next_offset;
void getMeshPoints(Ogre::Mesh* mesh,std::vector<Ogre::Vector3>& out)
//return out;
void getMeshPointsLOD(Ogre::Mesh* mesh,std::vector<Ogre::Vector3>& out, Ogre::ushort LOD)
Ogre::MeshLodUsage meshLod = mesh->getLodLevel(LOD);
Ogre::EdgeData* edgedata = meshLod.edgeData;
Ogre::EdgeData::TriangleList trilist =edgedata->triangles;
std::vector<Ogre::Vector3> allVextex;
for (unsigned int i=0; i< trilist.size(); i++)
for (int z=0; z < 3; ++z)
Ogre::Vector3 pt=allVextex[trilist[i].vertIndex[z]];
bool add=true;
for(size_t x=0; x<out.size();++x)
if ( out[x] == pt )
if ( add )
// OgreLog(Ogre::String("vertex added: ")+Ogre::StringConverter::toString(pt));
sorry to forget it last time ^^ one year past but I'm back in game developing.