Need help with SoftBodies


19-10-2007 08:25:18


I am currently developping a game for a school project at university. It is very basic but I would like to use SoftBodies. The game is a party game where 4 balls have to push they oppenents out of the platform. So I just wanted to have a soft sphere. I found Sphere_iso.obj and Sphere_iso.tet in the Sample of PhysX SDK and I wanted to give it a shoot with that. Somehow I managed to create the according .mesh based on the .obj, which is working if I juste create a Body with it.

But when I try the createSoftBody function of mScene, nothing appears on Ogre. I wonder why. Is a softbody like an Actor ? Have I to display it myself with Ogre, and if I have how could I deform the ball when it collides with something ? I wonder too, why the part about cloth was commented is this function ?

Thx in advance.


19-10-2007 08:39:47

Soft bodies are still a mystery to me and NxOgre I'm afraid.

You could use cloth instead, which is almost the same as soft bodies but a bit more jelly like. The code is all there to generate a closed cloth (with air) to inflate a jelly/balloon like object.


19-10-2007 08:42:16

ok, I'll try that as soon as I can.
