10-12-2007 01:48:06
Hi all,
I am looking for artist-friendly PhysX documentation, specifically dealing with the physics geometry creation, and representation process. Any insights appreciated.
Current Tool-chain:
Ogre 1.4.5
PhysX 2.7.2
DirectX Nov 2007 SDK
3DS Max 9
oFusion 1.8
PhysX Exporter for Max 9 / PysX 2.7.2
A the moment, I'm working on a banked racetrack, which is represented as a static / triangle mesh, and the simulation seems to work, (although the orientation in XML / Collada is different when viewed in the PhysX viewer).
Is this creating some kind of triangle strip version of the renderable geometry, and using that to test against? If so, this is costly, correct?
I will check out the thread on vehicles and wheels, but if anyone has any screenshots on the step-by-step process of creating the wheel joints, etc, that would be appreciated.
10-12-2007 20:29:05
11-12-2007 08:59:10
I've used FizX for a while and it's pretty good at what it does. However, there are still some problems with it, the most important of which is that the project has been abandoned. Maybe, if there's sufficient interest, we can convince the author to do something with it, maybe put it on sourceforge.
17-12-2007 16:29:10
I've used FizX for a while and it's pretty good at what it does. However, there are still some problems with it, the most important of which is that the project has been abandoned. Maybe, if there's sufficient interest, we can convince the author to do something with it, maybe put it on sourceforge.
ITs not yet totaly abonded, but it requires total rebuild. As it started as actor editor with poor set of dialogs, not as scene editor with hundreds parameters, it contains lots of structural mistakes. Also a good idea is to put it on ogre render engine.
Maybe, if theres still no worthy PhysX editor, i will resume to project in early 2008.
17-12-2007 17:06:52
I'll be developing a full blown PhysX/NxOgre editor after February. I won't explain exactly what it is, but I'm aiming for it to be better than Scythe, and elements of Hammer will be involved.
XSI has physX integrated. it would be perfect if you just could export the physics stuff
17-12-2007 17:45:17
XSI has physX integrated. it would be perfect if you just could export the physics stuff
Well I'm working on something and with someone who needs more than that.
Well I'm working on something and with someone who needs more than that.
i know you don't want to tell too much, but could you elaborate a bit on that?
for example you can create content in xsi, set collision geometry (or generate it), set properties and stuff and run a physX simulation right in the app.
seems pretty much like all you'd need for content creation (if you could export it).
it's commercial anyway, so a comparison is pointless, i'm just wondering what else you have in mind that could be useful?
17-12-2007 22:28:11
Well it's designed to reduce the tool chain clutter down to a minimum.
Obviously I won't be making a 3D modeller (well not quite), but you can import such models into it. Which then can be turned into Actors; rig up some mass, and hand edit the shapes for each mesh. Convex/Triangle meshes can be hand edited, (perhaps even cleverly generated) for those Actors. As you'll be working with NxOgre not only you'll see how exactly it'll behave but look like in your application (within reason), and be read in natively by NxOgre. No file conversions and no file class reader, there is also room for Ogre, and I'll even sling in some support for custom stuff, as the plugin system for this editor is going to be huge anyway.
A true NxOgre and Ogre editor, Dance is coming people.
Obviously I won't be making a 3D modeller (well not quite), but you can import such models into it. Which then can be turned into Actors; rig up some mass, and hand edit the shapes for each mesh. Convex/Triangle meshes can be hand edited, (perhaps even cleverly generated) for those Actors. As you'll be working with NxOgre not only you'll see how exactly it'll behave but look like in your application (within reason), and be read in natively by NxOgre.
sounds great, and tbh exactly like what xsi can do. dunno if you've seen the physx integration, you might want to take a look here: ... .php?v=721
i really don't understand why they don't support exporting of the stuff. would be damn useful. but i don't have to worry anymore, you'll fill the gap with a tool