nxogre character <collision> nxogre body


12-01-2008 22:42:49

I got my robot(NxOgre character) and I got a plain wall(NxOgre body). but they don't collide :S

my character:

NxOgre::Character *wall2 = mScene->createCharacter("wall2", Vector3( 666, 0, 333 ), "type: box, dimensions: 325 325 50");

my body:

NxOgre::Body *walls = mScene->createBody ("Cube.mesh", new nxOgre::CubeShape(1),Vector3(x,y,z), "mass: 10" );


12-01-2008 22:45:14

btw, I made the wall a character and it worked, but then I couldn't get the dimensions in a variable :/


13-01-2008 00:05:21

Yeah. Walls never move, let alone have lines in your play.

NxOgre::Body *walls = mScene->createBody ("Cube.mesh", new nxOgre::CubeShape(wallWidth, wallHeight, wallDepth),Vector3(x,y,z), "mass: 10" );


13-01-2008 02:14:02

Yeah. Walls never move, let alone have lines in your play.



13-01-2008 17:28:45

they don't move, but my character (wrongly named wall) does move X(

not that it matters though, I fixed it with characterparams :P