[SOLVED] Another way to set a NxOgre::Material


12-03-2008 12:43:17

Hi together,

is there another way to pass an NxOgre::Material to an body except the one by writing „material: matName“ in the body constructor?

What if I use NxOgre::ActorParams. I could not se there anything to assign a NxOgre::Mat.


12-03-2008 13:12:05

First Shapes use materials, not Actors, and second does your IDE have anything remotely like intellisense?

Look in ShapeParams.


12-03-2008 13:17:28

Ohh...my fault. I did not remember that materials are assign to the hape and not to the actor itself. Now I got it. Thanks.

Ps: Of course, my IDE comes along with Intellisense (VisualStudio 2005 PersonalEdition C++)