Render debug wireframe for shapes


03-04-2008 12:18:20


I'm trying to make NxOgre render debug wireframes for shapes.

I've created a debug renderer. I see collision points and I see local axes of the shapes. But I can't see debug shapes for CubeShape, SphereShape etc. I tried using a ConvexShape and then I saw a debug wireframe, but never for the primitive shapes.

What am I doing wrong?


03-04-2008 13:08:49

I'm guessing your using Bleeding, even though didn't put "[Bleeding]" as the prefix of your post - which is one of the rules of this forum.

Anyway; Debug shape rendering is "disabled" in Release versions but enabled in Debug versions. Mainly for speed reasons.

If you HAVE to have it in Release then set the shape flag in the ShapeParam for each shape to:

mShapeParams.mFlags |= NX_SF_VISUALIZATION;


03-04-2008 13:38:08

I wasn't aware I was using "Bleeding". I'm sorry if there was any confusion, I'm very new to NxOgre.

Even if I am using Bleeding (not sure I am though), I am compiling as debug. I just noticed there was a new Bleeding release yesterday. I will try it together with the shape flag as soon as I get home from school! :)


03-04-2008 17:13:13

I'm home now. There was no need to get a new version. Just adding the flag solved my problem. However there is another problem. I'm having a terrain shape in my scene and with debug rendering i get an fps in the order of 10^-10. Is there some way to disable the debug wireframe on a specific actor?


03-04-2008 17:28:39

Yep. Set the ShapeFlags for the TerrainShape to 0.


04-04-2008 13:30:03

Doesn't work :(

I'm not using bleeding by the way.