Scaling ragdolls


08-05-2008 17:59:58

Im not using NxOgre, but hopefully someone can help me.
I have a ragdoll working ok, but when i re-scale it, something its not working.
The actors are rescaled, the joints global position also, but in the remote debugger i see some red points and i dont know what they are:

What params should i modifiy to set everything to the new scale?


08-05-2008 19:04:51

Is it the Actor's center for each of those bones? Did you scale the position to?

Also; Why aren't you using NxOgre?


10-05-2008 08:19:39

I have the ragdoll problem almost solved, the problem was that i did not change correctly the ActorDesc.globalPose.t, also since i re-scaled the shapes, the localPose for these changed too.

About the second question, basically i started with NxOgre 0.9-38, by then the only way of creating ragdolls was by hard-coding, so i came across with Scythe Phisics editor and i implement it on my game (using the provided Scythe loader API).
Basically because it was the fast way to let the artist create the physics content.
Plus, im using tiled-based actors for the terrain (for future paging) so it was easier to change the code and adapt it to ETM.
I remember reading somewhere that you will support Scythe format soon? I did not investigate much since i started coding, is there some new features to my needs? I really liked NxOgre but i need maximun flexibility to my game/editor.