Linker errors when truing to compli;e my own Nxogre project!


15-06-2008 23:55:38

Hi! i tried to use Nxogre in a simple created ExampleApllication ogre project.
i only added the NxOgre.h and the using namespace NxOgre but i get two linker errors see:

main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall NxOgre::Allocator::watch_delete(void *)" (?watch_delete@Allocator@NxOgre@@QAEXPAX@Z)
main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: static class NxOgre::Allocator * __cdecl NxOgre::Allocator::getPtr(void)" (?getPtr@Allocator@NxOgre@@SAPAV12@XZ)

My Ogre application works fine but when i added in the cpp file the header file i got the linker errors! i use the 1.0 '21 version!


16-06-2008 09:48:02

You have to add NxOgre.lib and PhysXLoader.lib to the linking dependencies, NxOgre.lib must be built yourself, PhysXLoader.lib comes with the PhysX SDK.
You also need to put the NxOgre and PhysXLoader dll's in the same dir as your executable to run the app.


16-06-2008 12:54:21

No !does not working i added the lib's in the \NVIDIA PhysX SDK\v2.8.1\SDKs\lib\Win32 i also copied the NxOgre.lib from the release buld in the win 32 folder and link them against my VC++ compliler in the VC++ directories ->Library files. i still get the linker errors.


16-06-2008 13:08:57

Oops! sorry i forgot to add the lib's to the additional Dependecies working now thanks anyway! :oops:


16-06-2008 20:22:39

Hello, I try also to use Nxogre but ...
I have the error with NxVersionNumber.h

For resume, I had install :
1.0.21 NxOgre

I had compil NxOgre without changing anything (run)
I had envirronemental variable OGRE_HOME and PHYSX_DIR

But for the "additionals Dependecies" and "repertory of VC++" (Ogre and NxOgre directory include lib etc..), i'm lost.
But for Physx, they are lot of repertory with .h and .lib !
You can do a resume for a little noob please ?

Edit : And what .lib i do copy in my project repertory ? (NxOgre_d.lib and PhysXLoader.lib no ?)

(PS : Sorry for the mistakes, but I am french ^ ^)


16-06-2008 20:38:44

You need to give to VC every include repertory of the PhysX SDK in order to get it work.