What is Save() for, and other related questions.


08-09-2008 18:12:06

Okay so, I'm writing a save load system and i come across NxOgre::Scene::save (nxogre 0.9) which apparently saves a blueprint.

So naturally my question is, can i use this for a save/load system?

Also Where is load()?/ how do you load this blueprint?

And finally, what exactly is a blueprint?

And while you're there, what's the answer to life, the universe, and everything?

Thanks in advance.


08-09-2008 19:23:58



08-09-2008 20:13:33

Thanks. Any thoughts on the other questions?


08-09-2008 20:24:23

No, those are the tough ones. But I'm making a quite qualified guess that betajaen knows. (I hope he does)


09-09-2008 10:11:04

No, those are the tough ones. But I'm making a quite qualified guess that betajaen knows. (I hope he does)
Me too. Or he can just tell us a story about volleyball instead, either way I'll be happy.


09-09-2008 10:22:53

I don't support 0.9 anymore, and I can't even remember some of the code anymore but:

1. Load() - If there isn't one there, then there isn't one there.
2. Blueprints - prototypes/serialized versions of a class.
3. Read "So long and thanks for the all the Fish"

To be honest. It is best to upgrade to 1.0 (Bleeding), the latest unstable even has some serialization which you can use.


09-09-2008 12:50:05

To be honest. It is best to upgrade to 1.0 (Bleeding), the latest unstable even has some serialization which you can use.
The only problem i have with that is there is no characters in 1.0?

Infact, i found the answer to my first question.
Your second post :)