Character who uses a sword


02-10-2008 20:57:15

I want on my game a character who uses a sword. I moviment my character using NxCaracter.

How to make the sword colide with another character?
I use ragdoll?

Please Help me!


06-10-2008 00:23:17

One thing you can do is to create an actor representation for the sword, say a box, and update the position of this actor every frame with your character. The position for the sword can be a special bone in your character and you can read this position every frame and update the physics actor position.

A few collision callbacks would need to be set too in order for you to be able to handle the post collision events.


11-10-2008 14:09:50

Thats one way to do it.

Another way would be to use a "cone area of damage". Get all the shapes in the area (use a sphere), then have a facing direction, and a spread angle. You can then filter out the objects that are not inside the "cone"


28-02-2010 00:32:03

I used the character ragdoll, i want him to carry a viking sword or any kind of sword, I want him to become flexible.